Chapter Seven: The Unicorn of Betrayal

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"Alibaba," Aladdin said. "It's really you."

Alibaba just looked at him, nearly expressionless.

Cassim put a hand on Alibaba's shoulder. "Do you know him?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

Rashil screamed and lunged forward.

Mikha grabbed her just in time. "No! Don't kill him--Aladdin loves him!"

"Aladdin loves him?" Rashil said. "Aladdin loves him?" She was louder that time. "He's quite clearly betrayed him!"

"Don't kill him, please!"

Rashil was still seething, but stopped struggling and stood by her sister, and dirty-blonde Djinn.

Alibaba had a surprised look on his face, as did Cassim, but they quickly recovered.

"Aladdin!" Alibaba called. "It's good to see you again! Would it be all right if you put Ugo away? My comrades are freaking out."

"No, wait!" Jafar said, still bound by the black fog. "It's a trap!"

Rashil yelled at Aladdin, "Don't you dare!"

Mikha shushed her. "Let him deal with this himself."

Aladdin, as expected, commanded Ugo to go back into the flute and landed softly in front of Alibaba.

"Hello, Alibaba," Aladdin said. "I've come such a long way to see you again. There's so many things I want to tell you about. You remember that day, don't you? We made a promise that one day we'd go and see the whole world together, remember?"

Alibaba just looked at him, cold as ever.

Mikha gripped her shirt. "Oh, poor Aladdin..."

Rashil clicked her tongue. "Stop trying, Aladdin. He obviously doesn't care anymore."


Aladdin looked slightly disheartened, but he hadn't given up hope.

"Aladdin," Alibaba began. He walked towards him with his hand out, and that made Aladdin smile! Aladdin held his hand out too, thinking he would take it. Alibaba put his hand on Aladdin's shoulder. "I'm sorry. But I can't keep that promise anymore." He walked straight past, the rest of the Fog Troupe following.

Aladdin was so broken, so... Sad, that he couldn't move. He couldn't stop them. He didn't even try.

Rashil narrowed her eyes. Normally, she would have attacked guns-blazing, but she wanted to take extra care with this one. The one who betrayed her friend. She ran forward with her sword at the ready.

Mikha grabbed her sister's hand.

Cassim looked at the scene, and Rashil's intent to kill.

He used the black fog to freeze them in that position.

Rashil sighed. "This is your fault, you know that?"

Mikha frowned. "I know, but Aladdin cares too much for him. You would break him by killing him."

Rashil squeezed Mikha's hand tighter. "Once again, you're right." She looked at Xander. "I don't suppose you'll do anything?"

Xander licked her ear. "If I did, you would only regret it later, and for you to be troubled is the nightmare of my entire world." His almond eyes widened.


He pointed. "Footsteps."

Sure enough, a small army of (very loud) soldiers came running into the courtyard.

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