Chapter Four: You're a Fanalis? She's a Very Pissed Off Midget

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There he was again.


Beating her. 

He whipped her arms and legs, sure to leave scars. No matter how much she cried out, he wouldn't stop. 

"Does that hurt, Morgiana?" he asked teasingly. "It's all because you thought you'd try to flee. You're a slave. As long as you're wearing those chains, you're not fleeing anywhere, do you hear me?"

He was about to hit her again, but rukh came flooding in, illuminating the dark room. 

"Stop!" The voices of two brunettes called out. 

Five year old Rashil came running in, ten year old Mikha close behind her. 

"Interrupting me again, are you?" Jamil said, irritated. 

"Indeed," Mikha said softly. 

Rashil gritted her teeth. "And we'll do it as many times as it takes! Leave Morgiana alone!" 

Jamil cast the whip across her face. 

Her eyes immediately teared up, but she sniffled and wiped them away. "Hit me as much as you like," she said, determination evident in her every word. She looked over at her sister. 

As if having a nonverbal conversation, the older brunette slowly nodded and walked over to Morgiana, helping her stand. 

Rashil turned back to Jamil. "Just don't hurt Morgiana!" 

Back in reality, the world outside her dreaded nightmares, Morgiana was shivering; curled up in ball, crying. 

"No..!" she cried out. "Stop! Please, help me!" 

A hand touched her shoulder and shook her lightly. 

"Morgiana." She recognized Rashil's voice. "Morgiana, wake up! It's just a bad dream." 

Another, smaller hand, wiped away her tears. Her eyes opened. She was greeted by the sight of a very dirty looking Rashil and a little girl with sandy-blonde hair. 

"Hey, miss?" the little girl asked. "Are you all right?" 

Rashil bonked her palm against Morgiana's forehead. "You were screaming again. Be healed, you troubled sleeper." 

Water dripped from the ceiling of the cave that they were being held in. 

Morgiana noticed that both she, Rashil, and the little girl were bound by chains. 

"My name is Narja," the little girl said. "I used to live in a nice house in Balbadd with my mother and father, but then those scary men showed up and captured us." 

"Is that right?" Morgiana asked, rattling her chains which were reinforced by wood and metal screws. 

"Geez, I'm really sorry, Narja," Rashil said, patting the little girl's head. 

Morgiana couldn't look away from her reinforced chains. 'Could these shackles be any stronger?' she thought. 

"Hey, misses?" Narja began, making Morgiana look up. "I'm really scared. What's going to happen to us now?"

"We'll be made slaves," Morgiana said. 

Narja's grayish eyes widened. "What?" 

"Since we all had the misfortune of being captured by slave traders, unless a miracle happens, we'll all be turned into slaves."

Rashil punched her shoulder. "Dummy!" she scolded the pinkette. "You're really bumming everything out. You know that, right?"

"What are slaves?" Narja asked tentatively. 

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