Ⅲ️ Grumpy Dwarves and singing valleys

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~Erlanda's POV~
I hadn't slept a lot that night after I listened to Bofur's stories I had fallen asleep next to him but as he changed the place with another dwarf, whose name I didn't quite remember, I woke up again. We didn't talk much, he told me a little bit about his wife and his son, after that I slept again but soon the sun started setting and we had to move on.

We moved on, camped under the stars and our food got less. After a few days, there was not much in our bags anymore. In fact, the horses had more than us. We also had one horse too little because I came unexpectedly. So I had to hop on with the Dwarves always changing horse the next day so they weren't too annoyed by me.

One Morning, when I was riding behind the Dwarf with the long white beard we came to a river. The far bank was deep and slippery. When we made it to the top we saw huge mountains, they only looked a day's ride away.

I saw how the eyes of the Hobbit grew big "Is that the Mountain?" He asked. "Of course not," the Dwarf in front of me said." That is only the beginning of the Misty Mountains, and we have to get threw or over or under those somehow before we can come into Wilderland beyond. And it will be a rough way to the Lonely Mountain, where Smaug lies on our treasure" Smaug? Treasure? Had I missed something? "Oh!" Was everything Bilbo said.

Gandalf now led the way and explained something about sticking to the road. I cleaned my throat "Uhm ..." "Balin," the Dwarf in front of me said "OK, Balin, what is a Smaug? And why does it lie on your treasure?" I asked him in a whisper voice. Apparently not quite enough because Thorin now said: "That is none of your concern" with a stern voice. Okay, grumpy Dwarf doesn't like me.

While our little conversation, Gandalf had also explained that he send a message to some elves? and that we were heading to a place called Rivendell.

We had ridden all Morning over a boring landscape, there was a lot of grass and some big rocks, that was all. The morning passed, afternoon came and we stopped abruptly. I looked past Balin and saw that we were right at the edge of a steep valley.

Down there was a big river passing and there where trees and birds and everything that fits in a fairy tale. Only one problem: it was very steep and when I say very I mean very. The only way to get down was a little part marked with white stones.

It took us very long to bring our ponies down the path, even the Wizard had problems. When we finally made it down the day began to fall. Gandalf lifted his arms "Here it is at last" he called.

We could hear Voice and the water streaming. Then we heard a song:

O! What are you doing,
And where are you going?
Your ponies need shoeing!
The river is flowing!
O! Tra-la-la-lally
Here down the valley!

O! What are you seeking,
And where are you making?
The faggots are reeking,
The bannocks are baking!
O! Tril-lil-lil-lolly
The valley is jolly,
Ha! Ha!

O! Where are you going
With beards all a-wagging?
No knowing, no knowing
What brings Mister Baggins,
And Balin and Dwalin
Down into the Valley
In June
Ha! Ha!

O! Will you be staying,
Or will you be flying?
Your ponies are straying!
The Daylight is dying!
To fly would be folly,
To stay would be jolly
And listen and hark,
Till the end of the Dark,
To our tune
Ha! Ha!

654 words

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