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In London, there lived a family called the Ogden's. They had a secret that no one knew. They were Wizards and Witches. The parents had both attended Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. The dad's name is Keitherius. He was a Hufflepuff. The mum's name is Taradewald. She was a Gryffindor.

Keitherius and Taradewald have four children. Three boys and one girl. One of their boys attends Hogwarts.


Grantbus- out of school- 19

Ethancivil- Gryffindor- 18

Rookwood- 16

Autumndamort- 16

Rookwood and Autumndamort are twins. They both have yet to get their letters from Hogwarts. Autumndamort goes by Autumn. She claims her name is too long and weird.

Taradewald was a muggle. Keitherius was a Pureblood. Autumn's owl's name is Midnight. Midnight is jet black with bright blue eyes. Rookwoods owl, Tony, is white with black flecks and orange eyes.

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