Chapter Nine - Meeting the twins

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Knight Residence - Thursday morning

The family all sat around the table eating breakfast together waiting for their parents to update them with news from their recent council work. 
"Why are you all so interested in our work with the council" asked Mom, the boys exchanged glances before all looking at Ben, who shook his head at his brothers before telling his parents their news.
"Whilst you were away, we felt a connection to our mate, she's 18 now and has come into her power"
"Boys that's great news, do you know who she is" Dad asked
"Um well no, I can't get a clear picture of her and we are hoping you might have heard something at the council meeting"
"Why would we hear about her at the meeting" mum queried.
"She is in a lot of pain at the moment, we tried to boost and see more but we know there was a crash, someone close to her, we cant see who but we know it was a car crash two days ago, but we can't find anything on the news feeds about an accident and that worries me, what if she's in danger"

Their parents exchanged looks and sat down across from the boys "We do have some news for you, but it may not be good" Dad warned.

POV: Cammie - Thursday morning

I had unplugged the house phone, knowing the important people had my mobile number and was moving from room to room  biding time until Nona arrived.  my phone buzzed in my pocket PLANE RE-DIRECTED TO GATWICK DUE TO TECHINCAL FAULT WILL BE 4PM ARRIVAL TO YOU. LOVE NONA XX STAY SAFE STAY INSIDE

I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU, TRAVEL SAFE C xx I replied sighing and moving back out to the conservatory to admire the new growth and to think about the new gifts, I didn't know of anyone having a more that two gifts and tried to sort in my mind what  I had but ended up confusing myself, jumping up I grabbed my notebook from the dresser and started to list what I knew.

I had an Earth gift that grew the flowers and plants
I could use compulsion
I had electricity, I had healing
I saw visions I was able to levitate and I could manipulate temperatures.

What else could I do?  Knowing I had time to wait for Nona I walked back into the kitchen, I would test out what I could do, then Nona could help me sort out what I did next.

Reaching for a bottle of water I unscrewed the top and set it down on the table, I cupped my hands loosely around the bottle without touching it and thought about how my mother could make a beautiful spinning water lily, just by thinking about it and focussing, I took a deep breath and focussed on what I wanted the water to do and was excited to see it start to rise before losing focus and it falling back, I tried again and this time it started to form a shape. okay so I can move water.
Next I reached for a candle and focussed on the wick willing it to light, nothing, I closed my eyes and tried again picturing the flame in my mind I raised my hand and opened my eyes to see the candle alight, okay so I have fire.
Watching the flame I imagined a delicate wind turning the flame into a spiral and rising higher before thinking or a gust to blow it out. I jumped as the candle toppled off the table dropping hot wax on the floor, I quickly checked the flame has blown out and sat on the floor looking at the wax. Okay so I have air.
I reached for the pad to add the new gifts
I had an Earth gift that grew the flowers and plants
I could use compulsion
I had electricity
I had healing
I saw visions
I could make a flame
I could direct air
I could control water

I pushed up and started cleaning up my mess, I couldn't wait for Nona to arrive so I could talk to her about this but I felt sad as I couldn't share this with mom and dad, but I hoped that with Nona's help, I could use my gifts to find them and bring them home

POV: Ben and Seb - Thursday afternoon - outside Cammie's house

"So how do we do this" Seb asked still shocked by what our parents had said this morning, mum thought that a girl who had come to the attention of the council for having multiple gifts was the one we were looking for, her parents were in a car crash, both parents had disappeared from the scene and the police were investigating whilst the council was trying to bring her in to see if she was a risk.
Dad had suggested that we chose between ourselves for the first meeting as all of us would overwhelm her, so We had pulled rank, using our additional year on them.
"Let's just go knock, we can always say we're from the council"
We got out of the car and approached the porch and Ben knocked on the door.
I could hear shuffling behind the door and tensed waiting for it to open. "Who's there" called a sweet voice from behind the still closed door.
"Damn" Seb whispered
"We are from the council and would like to talk to you" Ben replied.
"Go away" she shouted, "I'm not going anywhere with you"
"Go away" Ben repeated
At his voice the door cracked open and we saw our mate for the first time, she was beautiful, sad eyes, but a determined look on her face as she faced us.
She looked straight at us "I am not going to the council, you will tell them you could find me, now leave and forget this" she ordered before starting to shut the door.
Seb leapt forward and put his foot in the door "hey, are you trying to compel us" he demanded, pushing the door wider open.
Her eyes widened and she took a quick step back glancing between us "who are you" she gasped " how can you get through my wards"
"I'm Ben" he said sticking his hand out waiting for her to take it, she would know without a doubt then who they were.
He held his breath, Seb watching her face as she put her hand in Ben's
"Oohh" she exclaimed trying to pull her hand away from Ben.
I reached forward to grasp her other hand "and I'm Seb, we are you mates" I smiled at her feeling the tingles race through my blood at the contact.

She looked at us "you said you were from the council" she accused still trying to pull away.
"We just wanted you to open the door" Ben replied keeping a hold of her hand
"Can you let go of me" she tugged at her hands "please" she whispered
"If we let go will you talk to us, we want to help you," Seb asked looking at Ben to confirm it would be okay.

She smiled sadly "Do I have a choice, I cant keep you out"
Releasing her hands we followed her into the lounge, watching her closely and feeling every step she took away from contact with us.
She sat on the sofa and looked up at us, "how did you find me?"

"Our parents told us about you, we have been trying to find you for weeks as we felt when you turned 18, since then our mark has been tingling all the time "Ben said putting his hand on his mark "He squatted down to eye level, " we felt your pain Cammie and we know about you parents accident, we are so sorry"
She let out a muffled sob "it wasn't an accident"
"What" we exclaimed together
"I saw a vision of the accident, my parents warned me to hide and stay safe, I think someone deliberately caused the accident" she hiccupped " and I think the council are involved"
We crowded close to he wanting to give comfort to our mate, feeling her emotions as if they were our own.

"Cammie are you alone here?" Seb asked rubbing a hand up and down her back
"Yes until my Nona arrives today"
"We wont leave you Cammie, we will be here for you, we are your mates and now we've found you we're not going anywhere.

POV: Cammie - Thursday afternoon
I look at Ben and Seb feeling the tingles run all over me from the contact, Mates I have two! I wish mom and dad were here for me to talk to, what do I do with two mates?

I needed a bit of space feeling overwhelmed "Would you like a drink" I asked them standing up and backing away towards the kitchen.
They exchanged looks "yes, thank you, do you need any help" Seb replied
"No, No its fine, just sit In here or in the conservatory, I wont be a long" I pointed at the doors to the conservatory and watched as they nodded and moved that way,
"Wow" I heard them exclaim

Putting a selection of drinks on a tray I followed them in, trying to see the room from their point of view.
"You grew this?" Ben asked looking around
"Its my mothers favourite room, the recent overgrowth is because of me but its her plants"
"You have growth? he queried
"Yes, its one of my gifts" I replied shyly.
"One?" Ben questioned "Is that why the council want to see you, you have multiple gifts?" he exchanged a concerned glance with Seb

"I don't know" I replied honestly "when my parents disappeared they were returning from council, they never made it home so I don't know what the councils reaction to the news I have multiple gifts is, also they sent a car, which I sent away"
"How many gifts do you have ?"
"When my parents went to the meeting there were four electricity and healing, levitation and temperature manipulation"
"There were? are you saying there's more?"
"Since then there I can manipulate water, I can make fire, I can grow, have had a vision and can make people do what I say"
Seb let out a breath "No wonder the council is interested in you, no-one has every gone past three gifts and those have been weak, what you can do is unique"

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