Chapter Twenty Two - Epilogue - Five Years Later

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POV Adam
"Well how did it go?" I asked Cammie as she came through the study door, she groaned and threw herself into the chair, "Ben and Seb hate it but have agreed to take on some more difficult teaching roles, Xav, Jeri and Zander are in their element on the council and will be overseeing mentoring for the new teachers amongst other things" I laugh at her words, everything had gone as I expected it to.

"Then we had two more families come forward with multiple gifts, they are not hiding any more, worried about being taken away from loved ones" she adds smiling at me before she fixes me with a look "Are you sure you don't want to come back?" but I shake my head, "no, Ariana and I are more than happy running the academy, much less stress than the council".

I watch as she shifts uncomfortably "Are you okay?" and she blushes before putting her hands on her stomach and watching me.
My mind flashes with the view of a very pregnant Cammie "your pregnant?" I whispered. Cammie nods "We found out yesterday, its one of the reasons the boys have taken more on, they insist that everything in the world is going to be perfect when our baby comes."

I get up from my chair and move round to hug her "Congratulations, i'm so pleased for all of you, you've worked so hard to bring the balance back, this is just perfect, have you told your parents, does Ariana know?"
"No. you are the first i've seen, and I'll let everyone know as we see them"

"Know what?" Ariana asks as she comes in with tea and biscuits, I reach for the tray, and put it down safely on the desk as Cammie rushes for the peanut butter cookies "oh yum" she moans, making Ariana look shocked, Cammie hates Peanut Butter.
"Cammie? are you?" Ariana comes out of her shock and gathers Cammie into her arms as I nod, Cammie too focused on the biscuits, Ariana steps back and smiles at Cammie "may I?" she asks.
Cammie looks confused "May you what?"
Ariana and I laugh, "can I touch your bump?" Ariana asks softly and Cammie nods, lifting her top exposing a slight raised tummy, Ariana gasps as her hand flattens on the bump and I can feel the love through our emotional link. "Is everything okay?" I ask as I watch my wife reverently touch Cammie tummy.
"Oh Adam, they're wonderful" she tells me, hugging Cammie then turning into my arms as I mull over her words. "They?" I query watching Cammie take another cookie, her hand frozen as she hears my question.

"Did you say they?" she questions sounding panicked, "no, it's one, one at a time, that's what I told them, they promised me" she mutters, cookies forgotten as she drops back into the chair.
Ariana looks guilty, "Oh Cammie, I shouldn't have said anything, I didn't realise you didn't know, oh dear" she knelt at Cammie side, rubbing Cammie's hands in hers, "it will be all right, I promise" she coaxes.
Cammie's phone rings the same time the house phone does and I know it will be the boys picking up on their link, I answer the house phone and hear a frantic Seb on the phone, his brothers in the background "Quiet all of you!, Cammie is here with your mom and I and everything is fine, she just told us the news, everything is okay, now we will see you later"

Cammie looked up between us, "Now i've made them worry, they'll drop everything and rush over here" she groans.
"Cammie, do you want to know how many?" Ariana asks holding her hand and Cammie nods biting her lip.
I come round and hold Cammie's other hand, if its too much I can use my gifts to help her relax.
"Cammie, you have four babies, all boys" Ariana says and I rock back on my heels, I feel shocked, so god knows how Cammie feels. I look at our daughter in law in wonder, she's so tiny still, the boys are protective now, they'll be much worse when they find out this news. Best hide the bubble wrap.

Cammie looks up at us "I'm going to kill them, they promised me one at a time, not Four Boys, its not fair" she grumbles but lovingly wraps her hands round her middle and smiles.

It's been a long five years, but we are finally getting there and just in time, Cammie had been feeling off for a couple of weeks and yesterday she had finally admitted it and allowed us to check up, she was pregnant, we were going to be dads.
We had discussed it a few time but knew we weren't yet ready, we still had too much to put right, but now, now fate showed us things are going right, we had all agreed to do more, she would keep her seat and have a hand in running the council but we would reduce the stress for her. I knew she was going over to Mom and Dads house after leaving us, to tell them the news and we were seeing her parents this evening but when her emotions had spiked and we felt her fear, we all panicked, not even feeling relieved even after dad had finally answered a phone and told us everything was okay, until I saw her for myself I knew I'd worry about her.

"Lets go, there's nothing happening here that we can't put off till tomorrow, lets go and see what's up" I said and we rushed to gather our things, heading to our cars and off to our parents.
Cammie's car was in the front drive and we felt ourselves into the house, seeking her out. She was in the study, with our parents, eating her way through a plate of cookies and giving us the evil eye as we entered.

Jericho pushed past me and knelt at her feet "Baby, are you okay?" and he looked shocked when she growled at him, our parents hiding their smiles behind their hands.
"What's wrong, did something happen?" Jericho tried again, his hand touching her tiny bump.
Her gaze raked over all of us before she sighed and looked scared "did I not say one at a time, one not four and now your mom tells me there are four babies and they're all boys" she wailed bursting into tears and he wraps his arms around her, rocking her back and forth in his lap as she cries emotionally.
My eyes snap to mom and she nods "Congratulations Boys, you are having Quads" and we grin at each other as we realise what's happened.

I smile and high five my brothers, Quads, I can't wait, I gaze at our family and my eyes end up on Cammie, before I feel my vision blur and see us in a garden, surrounded by family and our four boys, cuddling two baby girls, twins and Cammie who is pregnant once again. I come back to myself and step forward lifting Cammie up and into my arms, stealing a kiss and I hold her close "I love you" I tell her softly and she whispers the words back, looking up at me quizzically but I shake my head and smile, if she's mad about four now I'll stay quiet about our future.

The End.

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