Chapter Eleven - Meeting the Triplets

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POV: Zander, Jericho and Xavier
Hanging up the phone, I looked at my brothers, "our mate is coming home with Ben and Seb, they haven't yet told her about us but we will be ready"
"Xav can you let mum and dad know, she wants to know what happened when her parents spoke to the council, I know there out at the moment but let's get them back if we can"
"Sure" he agreed and dug out his phone
"What else did they say, what's she like?" Zander asked
"Beautiful, sad and she has multiple gifts, Ben said they can feel the connection already, their marks hum when she's near but she's concerned the council had something to do with her parents disappearance and she's nervous of coming with them"
We looked at each other "we will help her, she's our mate"

POV: Seb and Ben
It's been 20 minutes and she's still not out, we move back to the house calling her name as we approach but no answer, the house is locked up.
"Cammie, where are you?" I call as we look around the house.
"Ben, can you do a search" I ask starting to worry.
"Sure" he closes his eyes and focuses on Cammie.
"Damn, she not here, she's in the village, running"
"Can you see why she ran, BEN why did she run,"
"Seb give me a minute!" He barked.
I grasped Bens arms to boost him, I could see the concentration on his face as he sought the information he needed, now he had met Cammie and the connection had been made he would be able to 'see' her.
"She heard us talking, five mates, us taking her to the council, damn she only caught part of what we were saying but she thinks we lied"
" I'm calling the others if she's running we need their help"
"Agreed, and I feel she's heading towards the airport to meet her Nona"

POV: Xavier, Zander and Jericho
"Lets go guys, our mate is on the run, big brothers screwed up"
"Where to?" Xav called grabbing the car keys
"Gatwick, they think she meeting her grandmother"

POV: Cammie
I sat in the back of the taxi, texting Nona
I let the tears fall silently, staring out the window, I had compelled the driver to ignore me and had already paid him.
My mates, I trusted them so easily and they were going to take me to the council, and what had they said about more mates, I let the scenery go by as i let my thoughts go round and round till I reached Gatwick.

POV: Knight brothers.
We met in the main terminal and all looked at Ben, "which flight?"
"Italy AI744"
"and what's she wearing"
"Blue jeans, white shirt, grey cardigan". Ben told them
"Trust me you will feel her if she's near, the mark tingles more"
They looked up at the arrival board "gate 17" Jericho said and they moved off
"Ben and Seb can you go up to observation and keep an eye out, if she see's you here she may run again"
"We'll go wait for her Nona" and the group split the twins heading upstairs as the triplets made there way through the main floor to gate 17.

POV: Cammie
I looked up at the screen for the Italy flight - Gate 17, looking all around, sure that the twins would have realised I would come here, had I told them Gatwick, I couldn't remember.
I moved to gate 17 and carefully sat watching everyone moving through the airport, such a busy place, everyone rushing.
I felt someone sit down beside me "Hey, you waiting for someone" he asked
I looked at him and jumped back, he looked like the twins "who are you?"
"I'm Jericho, I think you've met my brothers Ben and Seb"
I get up and start backing away from him watching him watch me "Please don't run Cammie" he said holding his hands out palms up and moving towards me
I keep backing up but then I feel something hard behind me and arms come round me, tingles spread all over my body, I try to pull away but he only tightens his grip, I open my mouth to scream but then Jericho is in front of me with another brother they each grab a hand "shhh" his whispers to me and the tingles overload my senses and I see black spots before sliding into darkness.

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