Chapter Thirteen - Almost Taken

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POV: Nona
I looked at the boys surrounding Cammie and smiled lightly, she deserved to be happy after what had happened, they would look after her, protect her, I could see that from the way they gravitated around her, each one within touching distance.
Cammie looked back at me and smiled with tears in her eyes "I missed you Nona"
"Now then, none of that lets go and see what we can find out", I passed my case to Ben and we started towards the exit.
" its about an hour to home from here" Ben told me " do you need anything before we go"
"I'm fine"

Cammie blushed, "I will use the bathroom, there one over there" she said pointing across the hall "I wont be a minute" she hurried off

"We'll wait here" I watched her go before turning to the boys

"We have a couple of minutes before she returns, what are your intentions with my granddaughter" I asked them boldly.

"To keep her safe, love her and be there for her" Jericho replied for them all

"All of you together?" I queried " can you share her equally?"

Zander laughed "Nona we have shared growing up together, and always knew we would share a mate and having felt her then met her, nothing will keep us away from her, its like she was made for us" the other boys all nodded.

" if you hurt her, you wont be able to hide from me" I told them

"If we hurt her, we will find you ourselves " Seb said.

I felt a prickle of fear run through me, catching me brothers suddenly tension, I turned and looked back towards the restrooms, something was wrong.

"Jericho, Seb stay with Nona, Zander Xav with me" and I rushed across the hall pushing through the doors

"Damn" a corridor led further back towards a set of restrooms "Spread out and be careful" they nodded moving forward silently we made our way towards the doors, checking each on as we passed, a sudden scream and muffled shout at the end of the corridor had us running

Throwing caution aside we pushed through the door using Zanders strength to break the lock, ahead of us two guys were trying to drag an unconscious Cammie out of a door, seeing us coming they dropped her and ran.

"Zander follow them, see if you can get any idea of who they are, be careful" I watched him speed off after them

Xavier had reached Cammie and was lifting her up gently " she's okay" he told me cradling her closer to him, I could feel tingles in the mate mark as he used his healing gift to check her over.

Cammie gasped in Xavier's arms waking up and looking at us both with scared eyes "They tried to take me away" she cried clutching him "what do they want me for"
Xav wrapped his arms tighter around her and looked up at me "I don't know Baby but we will find out".
"Lets get back to her Nona and the others and get home and find out what mum and dad know" we helped Cammie up and started for the door, tensing as steps sounded outside we pushed Cammie between us, only to relax as Zander came through the door.

"anything?" I asked him

"black audi car, no plates, nothing to distinguish them, third person in the car driving, they took off as soon as the guys were in, sorry"

I shook my head at him "this was planned, at least we stopped them taking Cammie" ours eyes all travelled to where she stood in Xav's arms shaking

Zander stepped forward and wrapped an arm around her swinging her up to carry her out bridal style whilst we followed behind.

Her Nona was waiting by the door "What happened?" she rushed to Cammie, I caught her arm, "Not here, lets get her home safe and then we can talk." she nodded watching Cammie in Zanders arms.

Nona and Cammie were travelling with Seb and I with the triplets following behind, I knew all of us were watching the other traffic for the black audi or anything else suspicious. Cammie had curled into her Nona's arms and retreated into silence as Nona stroked her hair, I kept checking her in the rear view mirror and a couple of times caught Nona's concerned eyes.

We reached home without incident and no obvious tails but we all knew how easy it could be to hide yourself especially if you had gifts.

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