Chapter Fourteen - Meeting the parents

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POV Cammie
Ben helped me out of the car, whilst Seb collected Nona's bags and we moved towards the front door. Ben's hand in the small of my back felt warm and I felt safe with him there.
I looked at them, my mates.  How did I get to this? I had no experience with boys at all, only a few close female friends but not boys, I should feel scared, nervous but they felt like warmth, safety and home.  I knew it was the mate link that made me feel like this but how could the goddess give me five mates, I had heard of triad groups of three mated together but never more.  How would this work.  I nibbled on my lower lip as Ben guided me towards the door, nervous as I remembered his parents were here too.  What if they didn't like me.
"Don't worry" he whispered in my ear "we will keep you safe"
The sudden opening of the door had me jumping back into Ben's chest, his arms came round me reacting to my move. Seb who had been a step ahead moved sideways blocking me from view of the door.

The sudden opening of the door made Cammie jump and we all reacted moving in around her to protect her.
"Boys?...." my mother voice tailed off as she saw our stance
"Gods, mum you made us jump" I relaxed and felt the others move back.
"Mum this is Cammie's grandmother" I introduced Nona first knowing that Cammie needed a minute and I needed to distract mum from overwhelming her.
Nona moved forward and mum embraced her "Please call me Ariana" mum told her.
"my name is Aria Salvatore, please call me Aria, the boys can call me Nona" Nona said.
Mum led Nona through into the lounge "This is Adam, my husband, come in and sit down, I will get some drinks"
"Boys, bring Cammie in and get comfortable, we obviously need to have a long talk, I get the feeling more has happened" mum called and went off to get drinks.
I put Nona's bags in the hall and we led Cammie in, giving her time to take in her surroundings, I could feel her nerves through the mate bond, Dad and Nona were in chairs so we moved to the sofa Jericho and Xavier moving forward to pull Cammie down between them, Zander perched on the arm and Ben and I moved to sit on the floor in front of  her.
I could see dad watching us keenly, as well as Nona glancing our way, but she was more focussed on Cammie.  Xav had taken her hand and was gently rubbing it, soothing and calming her and through her I realised he was affecting us, I looked back at dad, he caught my eye and smiled.

Mum bustled back in with a tray of drinks and snacks

"Now, help your self and we can talk but first" she came towards us and perched on the end of the coffee table, Cammie tensed, "Hello, I'm Ariana and that's my husband Adam, welcome to our home, I'm sorry we are meeting under these circumstances but I am very glad to meet you"

POV Cammie
"Hello" I replied quietly as Ariana moved back to sit next to Adam.
Ariana and Adam Knight were not what i expected, i felt welcome and did not feel threatened but i knew they were council members and could not really relax, even though Xavier holding my hand was making me feel calmer.
I knew we had to talk about what was going on but the room seemed to be waiting for me, i drew a deep breath and asked "Why are the council after me?"
Adam leaned forward and turned the question back on me "Why do you think the council is after you?"
I sighed and recounted the story so far, starting with the guy coming to the house , they listened growing more agitated as i got to the airport incident.
Adam was on his feet and pacing back and forth across the room, he stopped mid stride and turned to me "Tell us about your gifts, there must be more, something that would make this make sense" he ran his hand through his hair.
Whilst i didn't want the council to know I realised they were on my side and wanted to help me, I looked at Nona, she smiled back and nodded "Tell them child, we are going to need to know everything"
I gulped and twisted my hands together "I have multiple gifts and i think i can touch on all the elements, they just happen, sometimes i don't even know i am using one till after, growth, levitation, electricity, temperature, mind control, visions...." i tailed off seeing their expressions including Nona, stunned and a little afraid.
"I'm a freak" i whispered.
"No" all five voices said at once and i felt them move closer around me, i curled into Jericho's side and hung my head.

POV Adam Knight
I looked at this tiny girl my boys had brought home in wonder, she had no idea what she was but i had an inkling.
"Dad?" i looked at Xavier "I think Cammie amplifies our gifts, even before we met her, but after her birthday my gifts reacted every time i thought of her or felt her through the mate mark"
I looked at all the boys and they nodded in response to my unasked question. all of them had experienced the same.
"Adam, do you think..." i turned and looked at Ariana, i saw concern and a little excitement as well.  I nodded "Yes"
I looked at Cammie's grandmother "Aria" i asked softly "what do you know of the Eklectos?"
She looked back at me and then gazed at Cammie before returning to me "I know that it is believed the Eklectos is pure of heart and mind and will bring balance where there is corruption"
i looked at Cammie and my boys, who i knew where listening to us even though their focus was on Cammie.
"I think Cammie is the Eklectos" i said out loud.
"What" all the boys exclaimed at once.

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