Chapter Twenty - Making Plans

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POV Xavier
Nona had fussed around the room making sure were all okay, her gaze frequently flicking to her son and daughter in law before smiling at Cammie who we had seated between us on the sofa, Ben and Seb sitting at her feet, whilst Zander sat on the back of the sofa behind her and Jeri and I held her between us.
Wendy and Walter had introduced themselves to our parents before turning raised eyes our way, Cammie saw the look and blushed and we all felt the tremor run through her before she spoke, "Mom, Dad, these are my mates, Ben, Seb, Jericho, Zander and Xavier".  Her parents had clung to each other at her words looking astonished "Five mates?" Wendy whispered "why?"
Dad had stepped forward at that point "We believe Cammie is the Eklectos, the children have found a way to bond and are all stronger, we think this is to deal with an imbalance.  Walter looked around the room "Perhaps you had better tell us what has happened whilst when we were taken and then we can tell you what happened to us" he asked and Adam nodded before explaining everything we knew so far.
Wendy looked at Cammie with tears in her eyes "Oh baby, I'm sorry we weren't there to protect you, but I am so proud of the woman you are becoming". Cammie blushed and I pulled her into a hug, kissing the top of her head before looking at our future parents in law.  "Why were they taking your blood?"
Walter cleared his throat "when we left the council meeting, we were pulled aside by an aide, she asked us to wait for Councilman Knox, he asked us questions about our family line and if anyone else in the family had ever had more than one gift, I told him my mother had two gifts as did my grandmother and Wendy also had a grandmother with two gifts, but we didn't see what this had to do with anything, two is accepted.  He re-ordered we bring Cammie to the council for the sake of meeting her to see what was happening and then he left us... it wasn't till we were outside the city we noticed the car following us, and by then it was too late to do anything, it hit us from behind and I lost control, the car rolled and I could hear someone coming, Wendy" he squeezed her hand " I could hear her breathing and knew we were both alive and then I felt as if I needed to warn you" he looked at Cammie "that's when I said to hide and be safe, after that I don't remember anything till we woke up, tied down and blood being taken, they checked on us every couple of hours and sedated us overnight, I presume they gave us some type of nourishment via one of the tubes but we were kept strapped to the bed. We could turn our heads and see each other but nothing else, we were trapped" Walter trails off and Nona joins him and Wendy pulling them into a tight hug, before adding to Walters explanation  "All the females in my line have dual gifts, its crazy,  is he trying to research gifts?"

POV Adam
"No, if he was just researching he would do it in the open, he would only need a sample... He's trying to force gifts to develop, that explains the blood but how is he using it, I looked through the stuff you brought back but that doesn't explain how he thinks he can use it" I stand and pace the room.
"What's Knox's roll on the council?" Aria asks and I stop realising "Gods, he overseas the Academy, he has access to children about to come into their powers." I pace again, mulling the information through my head, he couldn't be working alone, if he's using the children then he must be getting permission somehow.  "Is he experimenting on the children?" I query to the adults in the room.  "If so, how would he get permission?"
"Olaf Proud?" Ariana questions watching me pace, I turn to Walter, "Did you hear any other names mentioned while you were there?" I could see them thinking back and hoped they would remember something.  "There was a phone call, he went outside to answer it and the door was ajar, Toy...Tory...maybe but I can't be sure" Walter says looking at Wendy for confirmation but she shakes her head "I can't remember, the drugs kept us out of it most of the time"
Ariana looks at me and nods "Victoria and if she is involved then it will also be Olaf, he would do anything for her" she stands to join me "But...How can we prove it?" she worries.

POV Cammie.
Adam and Ariana look our way and I can see the worry on their faces, I know we need to flush the bad guys out but that's going to be difficult if they are all council members, people who hold positions of trust and strength.
"Can we confront them?" I question and feel the boys tense around me.  I can see Adam thinking about it "Maybe if we could do it in public, I think, if its just the council they may be able to lie their way out of it" he replies.  "Is that possible" Nona asks Adam but he shakes his head, "I don't know how".
I look at my family in the room around me and wait for someone to say what I am thinking but they remain quiet.  I fidget and Zander leans into my side "just say it" he whispers, his grin widening at my expression. "say what?" I question.  "whatever you are waiting for us to say, now tell the room what you think we should do" he tells me softly, his hand coming up to caress my cheek and his forehead bowing to touch mine.  I revel in his closeness before I grin back "yes sir" I purr and I see red flare over his cheekbones as he hears my words, the emotional link between us flaring full of attraction, spreading out to all my mates.
Ben clears his throat and twists looking up at me, "Cammie?" he asks bring attention to our group.
I face the room.  "Our gifts and strengths are developing and only the people in this room are aware, Knox and who ever is working with him, don't know I've met my mates, or that i've bonded, we've got to take the fight to them, lets use social media, set up the opportunity for them to get to me and record everything and share it, Adam you have access to the council news pages, we can get it out to everyone, they'll read it because its from an official source" I suggest.
"You are not going to be bait" Jericho growls at me, "the risk is too much".  I smile at him, I knew they would object to that part but I knew we could do it with them there to protect me, "Its our best chance of ending this so we can live normally" I push, looking at all their stern faces.  "I'm not planning on facing them alone, you will all be with me" I tell them softly, knowing our parents would back me, I just needed them to agree.
"We would be seen" Zander argues, "only you and Ben can turn invisible.." I cut him off "you're wrong, we can all do it, I know we can, now we've bonded we can all access each others gifts, don't ask me how I know, cause I don't know, but i'm sure, please try it, if i'm right, at least can we think about this" I plead and watch as they do their silent communication with each other.
I feel their agreement through our bond before Xav says the words and they all look at me before  they fade away from sight.  I hear Adam and Ariana gasp but just smile, I can still feel them around me.  "it could work" Adam says and I laugh as Seb growls at his father, making him take a step back "Did one of my sons just growl at me?" he asks and Ariana smacks his arm, "don't push them, remember how possessive you were when we first met, they want to keep Cammie safe"
"Do you not know who did it?" I ask curiously and Adam shakes his head, "Do you?' and I nod.
The boys come back into sight and I smile as they all scowl at their father.
"Right, lets see how we can do this" Adam says sitting down next to Ariana and taking her hand.  "Aria, Walter, Wendy are you all behind this?" He asks and I hold my breath, realising how much I wanted their support.
"We're in" dad says leaning forward and starting the discussion "do we have a camera to record them?..."

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