Chapter Six - Seeing

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POV: Cammie

Its Past 8pm and mum and dad should have been back from their visit to the elders by now, what was keeping them, I stood up and paced back and forth across the living room, from here I could see the front drive, waiting nervously for them, chewing at my lip, where were they.

Siting on the sofa i close my eyes and try to relax, meditate that what Nana recommends so taking deep breaths i try to relax and ........

(.......the sky is streaked with pinks and purples and grey and the sound of tearing metal as i watch the car roll and roll before coming to a stand still, i move closer to whats going on, "don't go nearer" i can feel myself yelling but seem to be unable to stop myself moving closer still.... past the car that has stopped behind parents lay within the wreckage looking out through the broken windscreen towards me, i can see them holding hands and my fathers eyes lift towards me ....."Cammie, stay safe, run if you must but stay safe".....l hear footsteps moving from the parked car but cannot see who is coming, i can't turn towards the sound i am frozen looking at my parents slip away from my view....."Mom, Dad" again i yell trying to move.....)



I jump up at the sound of someone pounding on the door, disorientated by the scene replaying in my head and a feeling of dread.

"Run...Keep Safe " i kept replaying my fathers words in my head as i made my way to the door.

I could see red and blue flashes through the window - Police!

The feeling of dread escalated as i opened the door to two police officers.

"Miss Camilla Salvatore?"


"May we come in?" I moved back to let them into the living room and waited for the words i knew were coming

"I am sorry Miss Salvatore but there has been an accident" I look at them waiting for more infomation

"This evening your parents vehicle was involved in an accident and we are unable to locate them, have you had any contact from them today?" I shook my head.

"We are investigating as there appears to be no reason for the accident, and there is blood at the scene but we have no bodies and no witnesses, are you sure you did not hear from your parents this evening?"

"No, I last heard from them this morning, they have been to London to meet with the Elemental Council and were on their way home, are you sure its my parents car?"

"Yes miss, you fathers wallet and phone and your mothers bag were left in the vehicle. it looks as if they were removed from the accident, do you have someone we can contact to support you whilst investigations are on going?"

"no" I replied

"Sorry" he  replied

"No, the rest of the family are not based in England?"

They looked at me with pity, "Is there anything we can do for you Miss Salvatore this evening?"

I looked at them , i needed them gone before i broke down completely "No officers, not tonight i just need time alone to process what you have told me"

(Go - Please - Go....)

I opened the door and ushered them out (Go Go Go.....) "we are sorry Miss Salvatore, an officer will be in touch shortly with more information and if you heard anything please do contact us immeadiately"

"Thank you" i closed the door and sank down onto the floor, holding my breath and listening for their car to leave (Go...)

I felt the tingles starting as the tears fell silently  onto the floor, the static in the air grew and grew till the hallway was full of lightening, letting out the breath i had been holding i screamed out "Why" before black spots crowded my vision and i passed out on the floor.


POV; Ben

What the hell, i felt deep pain in my heart but it wasn't mine, my mate mark flared with heat and then nothing.

"Guys" i shouted

I heard a chorus of call back

"We have a problem"

The thunder of feet heading my way from through the house let me know they were coming and i waited until we all sat down.

"Did you feel it"

"yeah's" and nods were the reply

"Our mate is in pain, i need to "see" if i can see why but the block is still there, Seb i need you to boost me"

Seb looked at me and nodded making his way closer, we sat cross legged facing each other and clasped each others forearms, we had found out by mistake boosting could be done between twins to increase the range of our gifts and i hoped this would work,

Seb - "Ready?"

I relaxed into the meditation and tried to look for our mate, brief visions of a car rolling, flashing lights and lightening played across my vision but i could not get any more even with Seb's boost.

Sitting back and releasing him i shook my head at the others and told them what i had seen, "Either she was in an accident or someone close to her was, but i don't understand the lightening"

Seb - "could an accident have happened in a storm?"

"no i am sure it wasn't that"

Zander - "i don't think she's physically hurt or we would feel it more"

Xavier - "I agree with Zander, now we just need to find her so we can help, we need to look in the database to see what gets reported, we know the family is Elemental so it will be reported to the council, we can find her then"

"i will keep trying guy's, if i see anything else i will let you know"

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