Chapter Twenty One - Restoring the Balance

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POV Walter
I watch as the Knight boys surround Cammie, their protectiveness reassuring after everything that has happened. I can't believe our little girl is the Eklectos, but then I never believed there would come a time when one would be needed, but the council has failed and the corruption is spreading.
I thank fate that Cammie will have strong support now and into the future, a future that once we get past this will be brighter. There was a time when Wendy and I were in that room, that we had feared we would never see our daughter again, but she and her mates saved us.
It was Nona who had suggested that Cammie set up at our house, we all agreed that Councillman Knox was probably having the place watched and it wouldn't be a surprise that we they had returned home, so we would all travel in the van with just Cammie and Nona visible to anyone watching, once we were in the garage and the door shut, we would get a room ready with cameras and sound. The boys were still worried but Cammie seemed ready and kept reassuring them it would be alright, we had to believe her. She was the Eklectos.
POV Jericho
I wasn't happy that Cammie was bait, we had no idea of who or what would be coming but even I could agree this was a good plan, mom had also set up a conference call with the only councillors she trusted, the Gold brothers, she felt they could vouch for the truth if anyone tried to discredit the recording. The two remaining council members would be told once we had the evidence as we didn't know if they were involved.
I pulled Cammie into my arms and sighed as her body melted into mine, the feeling of holding her soothing my worries, she completed me, completed us.
Ben and Seb join us "the study is ready, your Nona has set some wards to the upstairs of the house to allow them to be close but undetected, it will also give you protection if you need to get away, only we can follow you up there" Seb explained and I felt her nod against my side.
"Once this is over, will you come on a date with me" I whisper to her and hug her tighter when she replies "yes"
"What do we do now?" Xav asking coming into the room.
"Now we wait" Zander says flopping down onto the sofa.

POV Nona.
I watch the boys with Cammie as we all wait for something to happen, we are as ready as we're going to be.

POV Edward Knox
I couldn't get hold of the idiots I had sent after the girl, and then the break in at the warehouse and the Salvatore's disappearance was another problem.
I had people watching her house, I could send another team to the Knights but I didn't want to push my luck with Adam and Ariana, they would not understand what I was trying to accomplish, not see my vision where we could choose what gifts we want, the girl and her grandmother had been met at the airport by the Knight boys but after that had vanished, I needed the girl, she was the key to all this.
I reached for my phone, hitting the numbers as my frustration simmered, "Tory, we have a problem, the parents are gone, someone broke into the warehouse and destroyed the equipment and blood".
I could hear her anger in her words "We are on our way" she snapped before hanging up. I scrubbed my hand through my hair "fuck" I shouted sweeping everything off my desk and scowling at the mess on the floor.
I was composed by the time Victoria and Olaf arrived, sat in the lounge a brandy in my hand.
"What happened?" Olaf asked, helping himself to a drink before sitting down next to Victoria.
"Someone broke into the warehouse, the parents are gone and the lab stuff destroyed, all the guards knocked out, no one saw anything, nothing shows on the cameras" I took a drink "and the girl has vanished"
"Do we have any of the blood?" He asked.
"No, it's all gone, we have nothing" I sneer at him, was he not listening to what I have just said.
"Fuck, I have test subjects ready, if we leave it too long they may try to get out of it, a couple of the parents were hard to persuade, I don't want to have to redo all my work" Olaf growled and Victoria patted his knee before glaring at me.
"We need the girl" she snapped and I threw my glass across the room "I am aware of that, we just need her to surface and then no more middle men, we will pick her up" I shouted.

POV Watcher.
The van indicated and turned up the driveway, I could see an old lady and young girl in the front, I picked up the binoculars and zoomed in, it was the girl, the van pulled up to the garage and waited for the door to open before driving inside and out of my sight.
I picked up the phone and dialled the boss "she's arrived, just her and an old lady"
"Yes sir, I will let you know if I see anyone else"

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