Chapter Sixteen - Prophecy's and Rumours

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I caught Cammie as she fell, all of us worrying as she fainted. "Zander get Nona and Dad, Xav help me" I lifted her up into my arms and carried her over to one of the sofas that surrounded the room, laying her down and holding her hand as Xav checked her over, "there's nothing wrong with her, I think she just overdid it" he said stepping back as the door burst open and Nona rushed over to us, Dad following "what happened" he asked.
"We had been practising and showing her our gifts and Dad she extraordinary, she can use two gifts at the same time, we were about to have a break but when we got up she fainted, Xavs checked her and can't find anything wrong" I explain. his hand rests on my shoulders "all of you relax, she has probably just overdone it and we don't know when she last ate, so lets try to relax and unwind for a bit, I know lunch is waiting for us, do you want me to carry her up?" he asked then laughed as we all bristled and said "No" in sync.
Zander came back into the room "moms put lunch out in the sun room, I'll take her" and he stepped forward and scooped her into his arms before any of us could move. Jericho laughed "we're right behind you" and followed Zander out.
I turned to Nona and Dad "did you find anything?" Nona nodded "yes, but it can wait till we are all together and rested, don't worry its not all bad" she added. I looked at her "not all but it is bad" I question.
"All change is difficult and there will be challenges before it calms again, now come along, let's go see if Cammie is awake yet"

POV Zander
She felt so tiny in my arms and reaching the sun room, I sat with her still in my arms, her slight weight creating a connection I felt to my bones.
Everyone had joined us before she started to come round, her body tensing in fear until I soothed her "what happened" she questioned looking round at us.
"You fainted, Xav couldn't find anything wrong so we think you just over did it" Ben told her gently taking her hand in his "what have you eaten today?"
"I..nothing, oh god I'm so stupid" she berates hers of and we all rush to her defence.
"Baby, so much has happened today I'm not surprised, it's not your fault we should have thought about it too, and then using your powers with us just pushed to far" I told her wrapping my arms around her.
Mom pushed a plate towards us, she had put a selection of sandwiches on it, enough for both of us and I smiled at her "thanks mom"
Cammie fidgeted on my knee, twisting to look up at me "I can get off, I'm too heavy" she said quietly.
I shook my head at her "no, I want you here, and you weigh nothing, and besides all the other seats are taken" I laugh as her eyes rapidly scan the room before she groans and relaxed on my lap, reaching for a sandwich from the plate.

POV Nona
"Okay, Cammie if your feeling up to it, we have some news" I watch them all brace and once again thank the gods that they have each other, Cammie will need strong mates to support her both now and in the future and I can see she has them.

"The books have answered some of our questions but there is still a lot we don't know, the books tell that the Eklectos rises when there is an imbalance that threatens the natural order, so for this to have happened we need to go back to before you were all born, to see what would have caused you all to be chosen to bring back balance" I look at Adam to continue.

"Once the Eklectos meets her mates, you will be able to draw on her strengths and strengthen her weaknesses, you will recognise truths from lies, you will see danger coming and be able to react to it, of course this is just what has been written based on rumour and someones take on a prophecy" he finishes.

Cammie looks at me "Nona, how will this help me find Mom and Dad?" she asks worriedly.

Zanders arms close around her holding her tight and I see the worry on all of her mates faces.  I choose my words carefully "I think very soon, you will get an offer, a trade you for them, I think who ever is behind this, is worried, maybe they are or have access to a seer who knows what you will become" I see the words forming and shake my head "you cannot swap with them" I tell her softly "they would not release your parents and would take you too, this is your weakness, your love for others, this is why your mates need to be strong"

"Then how can I get them back, I want them back" she cries and I wince at the stark fear in her words.

I watch as her mates surround her, offering comfort as she cries in their arms.


POV Ariana

I look at my boys surrounding Cammie and pray that they will make it through this.  Adam wraps his arm around me and I can feel his warmth and support through our bond, "it will be alright" he whispers and I relax in his arms. "Do you say that as a father or as a seer?" I question quietly. "As both, I see positive things happening, now they have found her, this is all part of a greater plan" he tells me and I smile.

"Do you think someone on the council is behind this and if so who, I hate to think we are working with and supporting someone who is hurting the balance" I think about the others on the council with us. we had been asked to join shortly after the twins birth, our family lines and our own dual skills had marked us as powerful and we had taken our places in the belief we were doing good things for our people. I thought about the other councillors and whilst I didn't like them all, I could think of no-one who would want to bring harm to us all.

"Stop worrying, we all need to relax, eat and refresh, and then we can support them, just think our sons have found their mate, if this wasn't happening we would be thinking about weddings not worries, lets embrace some of that joy" Adam whispered in my ear and I recognised the truth in his words "we have a daughter" I whispered back in awe looking at Cammie surrounded by our boys."we do" he replied hugging me into his side.

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