Chapter Fifteen - Getting to know you

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POV Nona
"Quiet" At Adam's shout the room went silent.
"It makes sense but for there to be a need for the Eklectos there needs to be corruption that could impact on natures balance" I muse.
"What does this mean for Cammie" Ben asks and I watch as all the boys surround her and look to their parents for an answer.
Adam looks at Cammie "if I'm right, then the corrupt ones will keep coming after you, until either you are dead or they are" he tells us all.  "It will also effect you boys as her mates, your potential is huge, gifts will get stronger, and you will be able to draw on each other's gifts"
I watch the boys move closer to Cammie, I know they will do all they can to keep her safe and I'm relieved she has them but wish it wasn't Cammie who had this fight ahead of her, someone is already after her, what else will she lose.
"They've taken my parents" Cammie looks at me from between her protective boys, "I'll find them and make them sorry" she vows.
"And we will help you, you're our mate, we will protect you now" Sebastian tells Cammie taking her hand in his.
"Cammie, what does you mate mark look like" Ariana asked her softly and I listened as Cammie described it,
"Ben" Ariana looked at him and he got to his feet, pulling down one side of his trousers to expose his mark on his hip, an exact match for Cammies, "like this?" He asked showing her, Cammie nodded blushing at him, he smiled then ran his finger over the mark, Cammie gasped and glowed red as Ariana scolded Ben.
"So what do we do now?" Jericho asked his father.
Adam looked thoughtful " I need to check the history books, I cannot remember everything about the Eklectos, it's almost a myth, perhaps if Aria is willing to help me search" he looked at me and I nodded "we will check the books, whilst you boys get to know Cammie, and maybe work on some of her gifts that you share with her" he looked at Ariana "I'll get a meal started and a room ready for you, and then come help with the books, that it if you're okay with that Cammie?"
Cammie looked at Ariana then back to me and I nodded "I'm here if you need me" I told her smiling at her and she nodded.
"We can used the ballroom next to the library to practice in, that way will be close to you" Seb told us, looking between Cammie and I.

POV Cammie
The boys led me into a beautiful ballroom, Ben dragging a trunk that Seb had told me had some training props in, Jericho led me into the middle of the room where we all stood in a circle, "okay" he said smiling at me "let's start with a meditation circle and then we will show you what we can do", Jericho held my hand and Ben took the other and I felt the minute the circle was complete, I could feel the tingle of each of their powers touching mine and I felt my own reach out to entwine around them, I could hear their gasps as my power fed theirs and the room filled with static.
"Cammie, we need to control the static, breathe with us, in, hold, out, hold, in, hold, out" Ben's voice filtered through my mind and I followed his instruction and soon the static reduced and the room felt more relaxed. "Good, now, let's sit back and we can show you what we can do" I followed them down to sit cross legged on the floor and watched as they each explained and showed me their gifts, it was fascinating to see them in action.
"Okay, your turn" Zander said looking at me.
"Um, well what do you think I should do first?" I asked looking round at them, unsure of what to do.
"How about we start with the basics, fire, water, air and earth" Xavier suggested "then try our gifts, see if you can replicate what we did, we can help you with feeling those, if you need it" he smiled at me encouragingly.
"Okay" I whisper looking down, embarrassed by my gifts.
"Cammie!" Seb called sharply making my head snap up, "you can do this, we're here to help you"
"Okay" I gulped looking at the objects on the floor in front of us, I focused on the candle and thought of the flame and smiled as the wick lit, allowing the flame to grow and reduce in height before sending a gentle breeze twisting between us before blowing out the candle.
"Now Earth and Water" Zander prompted.
I looked at the bowl of water and visualise the water forming a flower, growing from the stem, the petals opening and falling back into the bowl, I let the water all fall and focused on the box of earth I placed one hand on top of the soil and thought about growth, the tickle of plants pushing through let me know it was working.
I pulled my hand back and looked around at them, "well done" Ben said squeezing my hand.
"Okay, well we know you have growth, so let's try Xav's other gift, healing" Zander instructed.
I shook my head "What if I can't and anyway there is nothing to heal"
Zander picked up a small knife and drew it across his palm and I watched the blood bloom, gasping I crawled across the circle to take his hand in mine, "you idiot, why would you do that" I growled at him, wrapping both my hands around his, thinking about the cut and his skin pulling back together, I could feel warmth under my palms and moved my hands away to look at his. "I did it" I whispered looking at him amazed, Zander grinned and pulled me into a hug, "I never doubted you wouldn't" he laughed, "now lets try Sebs gifts, make it rain baby"
I blushed looking at Seb, "just think of what rain feels like to you" he instructed, I concentrated and jumped as the first drop splashed on the floor in front of me, the rain then fell quicker and soon we were all drenched, "Seb I can't make it stop, what do I do?" I cried thinking about the damage I was doing to the beautiful room.
Seb took both my hands in his "relax and breathe deeply, think of the sun shining, the warmth on your face, keep breathing in and out" he guided me and I shivered as the rain stopped.
"I think we better try my temp manipulation next, we all need to warm up and dry off" Jericho suggested, "I will help you control this, till your ready" he held out his hand to me and pulled me towards him, holding my hand in his, he instructed me and helped keep me calm, the warmth quickly causing the room to steam up, Seb jumped up and opened one of the French doors, I thought about the water in the air and thought about it forming a stream which ran to the door and outside.
"Baby, that's amazing, you're using two gifts at one" Jericho praised, keeping hold of my hands.
When the room was once again warm and dry, Seb called a break, "lets see what they've found in the library and then we can train some more, we don't want to wear you out"
I swayed slightly as Xavier helped me to my feet not realising how tired I was.
"You okay?" He asked concerned as I swayed again.
"Yes" I lied trying to take a step forward, black dots dancing in front of my eyes before I felt myself descend into darkness.

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