Chapter two: Arrival of the king

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I rushed to the crowd of Elves cheering and clapping. There was something rather odd going on here in Rivendell. Everyone was dressed in black and even the other Elves on or walking next to horses - I supposed those were the guests- were all dressed in black. Elves from all kind of places came here to celebrate. I recognised some of them. I recognised the fair Lady Galadriel and her husband Celeborn riding peacefully on their horses and I recognised Haldir and Feren, both smirking when they passed me.

All the Elves sung the same melody, the guests and the hosts. I closed my eyes and for a moment and enjoyed the wonderful sound before singing along. Elrond had arrived, he was also dressed in black. Actually, I was the only one stupid enough not to be dressed in black.

I wanted to go to my room and search for something black in my closet, though I doubted if I possessed a dress in that colour, but a stunning sight kept me from moving to my room. Paralysed were my limbs and I noticed my eyes becoming wider. Slowly, an Elf on a beautiful moose neared me. The Elf had beautiful white braidable hair like winter snow and a fair white skin with a fair jaw line.

I forgot to breathe when this Elf tuned his head and looked at me. His water-blue eyes pierced through my soul and I stared at him. I had seen a lot of beautiful Elves, but none of them were close to the person that enchanted me with his beautiful voice while he sang along with the others. I stared at him with my eyes widened and my mouth slightly opened since I had never seen such beauty before, and he smiled at me, because he knew.


'Come my dear, follow me. I will bring you to a nice dress you can wear tonight.' Elrond said and held out his hand. I took it and let him lead me to my own room where four dressed were put on my bed. Four dressed I could choose from.

They were all beautiful.

I looked at them and tried to compare them and choose but my mind was taken by something different than dresses and I got tired of staring at them without making a decision. 'Which one would you recommend?' I asked Elrond after a while. 'Honestly?' Elrond asked. 'Yes. Why would I want you to advice me with lies?' I answered. 'Alright. Let me take one dress from another chamber. I will be back.' Elrond said and disappeared.

He returned quickly with a black dress in his hands and a smile on his face. 'I think this one is perfect for you.' He handed me the gown and I tried it on behind a changing screen. 'No peaking.' I told Elrond and went behind the screen, he was laughing as I went. 'Elrond?' I asked while trying to get the dress on. 'Yes, my dear?' He answered. 'Who was that Elf?'

'What Elf?' he asked.

'The beautiful one.' I answered.

'I think you must be a bit more specific, I don't know what kind of Elf attracts you.' Elrond grinned as I blushed behind the screen. 'That white-haired one on that beautiful moose with a whole parade of Mirkwood Elves behind him.' I elaborated.

'King Thranduil?'

King Thranduil of Mirkwood? Was that him? Was that the Elf that hasn't allowed me to think of anything else than him?

'I didn't know you fancied king Thranduil.' Elrond giggled a bit. 'Aren't you done yet?'

I came from behind the changing screen and showed Elrond the gown. His smile widened. 'Do you wish to know why I think this one is the perfect gown for you to wear?' He asked and I nodded. 'It shows who you are. The lovely and graceful form shows the kindness and generousness you possess, it shows how true and clever you are. But the rough edges of the gown show how fierce but loving you are from the inside.' I thanked my friend for the kind words and saw I was blushing when I looked into the mirror. I was happy that Elrond liked this gown so much, but all I wanted was that Thranduil liked it. Though I thought it would have been fairer when it wasn't black. The colour made me think of a funeral rather than a celebration.

'Now,' Elrond said, 'if you will follow me. Let us go and have dinner with our guests.' I took his hand and we walked through the empty halls of Rivendell. 'Let us go and show Thranduil how beautiful you look.' He added as we walked into the great dining room.

Everyone rose as we entered. Not everyone had arrived yet, so many seats were still empty. We didn't eat outside in the open like we usually did, now we ate in a real room with only a couple small windows which allowed just enough light to enter the room. When I asked why we ate in this unusual room I, of course, didn't get a proper answer. There were many chairs still empty and I didn't know which seat I should take. I was about to sit somewhere where no one could actually see me when Elrond told me not to sit there. 'You are the most important person present, I want you to sit next to me.' So I sat down next to Elrond. Lindir on his right, me on his left.

And Thranduil in front of me.

Feren sat next to Thranduil and smiled politely as I sat down. 'Good evening, my lady.' He said and I greeted him politely too. Though a lot of pastries were already put on the large table, no one ate. Elrond had disappeared and I asked Lindir where he had gone to. 'Elrond is with the other Elves. All the Elves from Rivendell eat in large chambers tonight, Elrond gives them all a speech before eating and then he will return here to eat with his guests from other places. He will return soon, don't you worry.' He answered and smiled.

Lindir was right: Elrond returned quickly. 'Ah, you really do look wonderful, my dear.' He said as he neared me. Everyone rose again. 'May I introduce you to king Thranduil? King Thranduil, this is (y/n), one of the kindest persons you will find in this realm. (y/n), this is Feren and king Thranduil of Mirkwood.' Elrond said and I watched as Thranduil placed his hand on his chest on the place where his heart was beating. 'Pleasure to meet you, my lady.'

Elrond began his speech and everyone rose to listen to him.

'Beloved guests, tonight you have all come here to celebrate a special celebration with the Rivendell Elves, a celebration we have enjoyed for many years and that has given us a feeling of delight every time we celebrate it. And since a hundred years, we have decided to share this delight with you all. Now, usually I tell you all again what we celebrate to remind you of the story, but this time I will not, for there is a maiden here present who has never been on such a celebration before. My desire to keep it a secret and surprise her when the time is right keeps me from telling you the reason of our happiness. I know you already know that reason for you've celebrated it many times with your brothers and sisters from Rivendell. Thank you all for coming and please enjoy this meal.' With that said, Elrond sat down and from all corners Elves came with food and placed it on the large table.

Everyone at the table was talking and cheering. The excitement from the morning had not faded away, it actually became even stronger with every hour that passed by. The time wasn't right yet, but it surely didn't take very long anymore...


Chapter two! I really hope you liked it! Thank you so much for reading, it really means a lot to me!  ;-)


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