On The Field

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Kang Seulgi. The cool girl jock. Well, more like cold. You'd never think that she can actually bare a smile. After this day, people weren't even sure that was even Seulgi. Did you hear about her secret twin, Seulhee?

Seulgi didn't know where she was going. All she knew that it was going to be away for that idiot, Seungwon.

"Always bothering me," she whispered under her breath as she sped down the hallway. "He won't get a hint until I punch him in the stomach." Seulgi's face was unforgiving as she glared at anyone who gave her so much as a stare.

She turned the corner and met a classroom door. 'It's lunchtime for this year. I can hide in here until that idiot has to go to his classes.' Seulgi smiled and knocked on the door lightly, ready to put on her nicest facade for...which teacher was this again? Was it Mr. Lee or Mrs. Nam? Maybe Mr. Kang. Or maybe it was-

"Hello!" A cheery voice snapped Seulgi out of her trance. She looked straight, facing a girl who wore a smile. She was cute, Seulgi would admit that, but maybe just a bit too cheerful. Not really Seulgi's type. No one was really her type anymore.

Seulgi hummed. "Yeah, hi. Can I come in?" Her response was quick and she thanked her lucky stars when the girl quietly nodded. She stepped aside, making an entry way for Seulgi, who walked in quickly and sat at a random desk.

The door closed and Seulgi could see that the girl had a broom in her hands and then she saw the small pile of dirt at her feet. 'So she's a janitor in training?' She thought as she looked at the girl again and saw she was wearing a school uniform. She quickly dismissed the thought from her head. 'She's volunteering. Nice, I guess.'

The girl started to sweep, even though there wasn't really anything to sweep. The classroom practically sparkled.

"I'm [Y/N]. This is my first year here." The girl spoke up, setting the broom down and sitting at a desk not too far from Seulgi.

"Seulgi. I've been here for about 3 years now." Seulgi decided to not be rude and talk to the girl. It couldn't be that bad. She hopes.

[Y/N] looked at Seulgi with a shocked look. "You mean, Kang Seulgi? The allstar?" Her tone was higher and she stood up straighter.

Seulgi cracked a small smile, surprising herself a little bit. It had been a while since someone had genuinely made her smile or laugh. "Yep, I'm pretty sure that's me. You've heard about me?"

"Heard about you?" [Y/N] scoffed. "You're practically a legend. All the kids in my class always talk about you after a game. Like you're amazing! I've seen you out there on the court-," [Y/N] stopped and realized she was babbling on and on about how awesome Kang Seulgi was. In front of Kang Seulgi.

Seulgi however laughed it off. "Don't make a big deal out of it, kid. I've heard about you, too. Your drawings and photos are pretty good. Nice work for an amateur."

[Y/N] nodded and smiled. "Thank you."

There was an awkward silence for a little while. Maybe 5 minutes, but to the girls, it seemed like 5 hours. "So, Seulgi. Why did you run into here? You seemed kind of frantic," [Y/N] broke the silence with the question of the night. Seulgi debated on answering truthfully or lying. 'Eh, might as well spare her from the trouble of that idiot.'

"This guy, Seungwon. He's been following me and asking me out on dates and crap." Seulgi explained to the girl who completely understood. "I keep saying that I'm gay, but he doesn't believe me. He's like the equivalent of a straight boy."

[Y/N] laughed. Hard. She literally had tears in her eyes as she tried to catch her breath from the simple sentence that cake from Seulgi's mouth. "That has been the best thing I had heard all day!" The girl exclaimed.

Seulgi chuckled, finding the action rather cute. 'That's adorable.' She thought to herself. 'Wait, no it's not.' She straightened herself up and looked at the girl who had finally calmed down. "Well," she looked up at the clock. "The bell should be ringing soon. I guess we should say our goodbyes and head our separate ways?" Somehow, the sentence made Seulgi sad.

"We can see each other again, silly. No need for goodbyes. Here give me your number." [Y/N] walked closer to the older girl, pulling out her phone.

After they exchanged numbers, [Y/N] went back to finishing up the dirt pile and Seulgi prepared to knee a Seungwon in the stomach.

As Seulgi opened the door, they both waved little goodbyes to each other and for the first time in maybe a year, they saw Kang Seulgi smile.


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