Joy To The World

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Beautiful Park Sooyoung. Truly a woman of wonder and beauty. People would say she's narcissistic, but it's just confidence, really. It's hard to have low self-esteem when you have so many admirers. Especially when one of them was as cute as you.

Sooyoung's life is overwhelming. Yes, you would think it's nice to have people admire you, but it got scary at times. It felt like people were stalking her when she's open her door and find a random box with a card from some random dude named Seungwon. Who is he?

At least one note found her way in her locker every week. She'd learn to ignore them unless it was from someone she'd probably be interested in. She wasn't shallow, she just had a type. Let me put it bluntly: Park Sooyoung wants to date a girl. Yes, it might surprise some people when they find out that she's not that interested in many men. Some boys would even cry. But maybe the letters would stop.

Even though Sooyoung knew she wanted a girlfriend, she didn't know who she wanted it to be. There were a lot of girls out of her league and some who think that they're not in Sooyoung's lead, but Sooyoung wanted someone who she wouldn't have to ask to do certain things. Someone would just do it because they just knew. She did have someone like that, but that spark had faded a bit ago. She wanted something that sounded like a fairytale, but to the hopeless romantic it was paradise.

Today, Sooyoung was on her way home. It had gotten dark for the extra two hours she spent in the building; it had also started to rain. She muttered a small curse to herself, wishing she'd check the weather. She'd dressed accordingly with no umbrella.

"Not the smartest today, are we, Sooyoung?" The girl asked herself, standing underneath the ledge in front of the school. Flipping up her hood, she started down the stairs.

"That's no way to talk to yourself," a voice said behind her.

Twisting around, Sooyoung's eyes widened. The owner of the voice held an umbrella in her hand while the other waved. It was the school's now renowned sweetheart, [Y/N]. A girl, a freshman, who Sooyoung thought was out of her league.

[Y/N] walked down to Sooyoung's step, holding out the hand with the umbrella. "You should take it," she smiled a beautiful smile. One that showed her teeth and made the corners of her mouth reach her ears. Sooyoung wondered if [Y/N] didn't like her smile.

"You don't have to," Sooyoung shook her head and her hand for emphasis, but when [Y/N] nodded yes and gestured to the umbrella she felt wrong if she didn't take it.

Reluctantly and slowly, the exchange was made. Sooyoung pulled down her hood and fixed her bangs while [Y/N] pulled up her own and turned to keep walking.

"Thank you," the girl now shielded from rain said even though it came out like a whisper.

[Y/N] nodded again as if she heard, not looking back. She just headed her way home, probably not wanting to stay in the cold weather much longer. Sooyoung didn't blame her. In fact, she should probably get going and stop standing there like a maniac.

The person on her mind, though. She could stay there.


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