Uh Oh

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So, Seungwan invited Sooyoung to tea on

"Oh, Wannie!" Seungwan's mother had hugged her and exclaimed when she was told. "I'm so happy you're making friends!"

The small girl had laughed and smiled, gritting the words "Friends" through her teeth. From what she knew, friends didn't secretly despise each other. Well, actually, who knows? Sooyoung might actually enjoy Seungwan's presence. What a shame.

The day of, Sooyoung had shown up in the prettiest dark green dress that showed off her enchanting long legs. Her long black hair was tucked into a bun on the side of her head, and a thin, white headband was secured tightly.

Seungwan had also dressed up formally, wearing a matching baby blue blouse and skirt ensemble. She also wore a smile, one she'd rehearsed so many times in the mirror so that it would look at least kind of natural.

"You look amazing! Please come in," Seungwan greeted. The skills she'd gained from standing by her mother's side during boring balls and galas.

Sooyoung entered and stared in awe at the sizey, yet homey house. "It's beautiful! You're truly lucky to have a home like this."

Seungwan thanked her and led her into the dining room where their tea sat. Seungwan just hoped Sooyoung could handle how sweet she liked her tea.

Seungwan sat on the right side of the dining table, gesturing with her hand for the taller girl to sit opposite her. She held up her tea cup, "Cheers?"

Sooyoung mimicked her, smilingly. "Cheers!"

They both took a sip of their drink. Sooyoung hummed in delight. "This tastes different than anything I've ever tasted. What did you use?"

Seungwan could not tell her that. "Just a lot of sugar! Make sure to brush your teeth when you get home."

Sooyoung laughed at the joke, then moved onto a new topic. "So exactly why did you invite me over here today?"

"I noticed some tension between us the last time we met. You know? I just wanted to clear things up between us."

"That day we were with [Y/N], right? I thought we had fun, but it must have been some miscommunication." Sooyoung frowned and reached over the dinner table to lightly grip at the other girl's hand. Seungwan's breath hitched and she fought the urge to pull it back. "Let's be friends from now on, okay?" She smiled, Seungwan mimicked it.

She'd just have to wait, this pretend game would be over soon. And, boy, did soon come quickly.

Suddenly, the girl dressed in green began to turn pale. Seungwan could see Sooyoung's hand slip off the table and go to hold her stomach. She leaned over her empty tea cup.

"Gosh, I should go. I don't feel so good."

She didn't look good either. Her face contorted into knots and she puffed her cheeks over and over again, as if she was trying to get some air. A little foolish, if you asked Seungwan. She wouldn't be needing it much longer.

"Let me call someone for you," Seungwan stood up and pulled her phone out her front pocket.

Sooyoung shook her head and stood up slowly. "No! There will be no need for that at all. Thank you for your kindness though." She staggered towards Seungwan. "So glad we cleared things up. See you at school?"

"Yeah. See you."

Walking into on Monday was horrifying. People were crying in corners, hugging each other, and just being depressed. It confused Seungwan before she realized exactly who they were mourning over. Why were they so sad over her having to leave the school?

I mean, she did have to leave the school, right? There was no way she could continue her "career" in this school if she's that badly injured, right? Still, guilt puddled in Seungwan's stomach. Did Seungwan murder someone?

"Attention all students. First and second period classes will canceled. Please report to the auditorium immediately," a voice on the loudspeaker rang out. The announcement shook Seungwan. What if Sooyoung really was dead and they wanted to out her as the culprit?

Seungwan would ruin her absolutely family's reputation. She'd ruin her written-in-the-stars life plan out so badly. The three kids, who would've been taught English and Korean and lived in both Canada and South Korea. Her plans to court you.

This was not how things were supposed to go.


(A/N: Fun fact, I was listening to Red Velvet as this was playing and I felt really bad 😭 I love my girls too much for this. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter even though it definitely isn't my best work, I tried~. What did you think? Is Sooyoung okay? Is Seungwan truly a murderer? What happened to Sooyoung? Find out in the next chapter of Love is Game! Bye!)

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