Visiting Hours

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White ceilings and walls. Stiff hospital bed and gown. The pitter-patter of a dripping IV bag and buzzing background noise of a Frozen CD popped into the mounted television.

Sooyoung scrolled aimlessly though her phone with her left hand, as her right is hooked to the machine pumping fluids into her arm. She's careful not to shift too much, or else she's gonna wish that she was still unconscious.

The doctors had declared that she was poisoned, drugged almost, and that it was a wonder that her roommate had gotten her to the nearest hospital so fast. She refused to answer any questions, as "she remembered nothing from that day."

Oh, Sooyoung knew who did what to her. The motive was clear as well. If Seungwan wanted to fight for you, let the war begin.

The tall woman had begun to get bored with her Instagram feed. She clicked her sleep button, but her phone lit up again. With a caller ID.

"Kang Seulgi."

Now, there's a surprise. Sooyoung's eyebrow raised as her finger hovered over the answer button. Hesitantly, she tapped it and held the phone up to ear. "Hello? Seulgi?"

The voice traveled over with a sigh. "Hi, Sooyoung. How you doing?"

"I'm dying, Kang Seulgi. That's what." Sooyoung said, only a little sharply, into the phone. She pouted, hating the constant reminder of her state.

"You sound perfectly fine to me. What are you in there for anyway?" Seulgi replied, sounding grainy and far away. She must be in the building. Reception was always terrible there.

"Drank something. Happened to be hazardous," Sooyoung answered, shrugging. That was something she immediately regretted, though. Damn needle.

"Something hazardous?" Seulgi exclaimed, obviously worried now. Sooyoung couldn't help but smile, as her ex was always so caring.

"Yeah, but enough about that. You called for something?" Sooyoung pushed. A lot of things were keeping her intrigued in this moment. And one of them is just how calmly Seulgi was speaking to her. They hadn't even seen each other since the last game of the season.

Was their split still fresh then? Maybe it was. Everything pre-teatime with Seungwannie was blurry, to say the least.

"Yeah, actually. It's about someone you might know." Hmm. That's pretty vague. Sooyoung knew a lot of people. "[Y/N]? I saw you talking to her at my last game. Ring a bell?"

Ring a bell? Sooyoung's brain is going off like a church on a Sunday, but okay. "Yeah, we've talked. Hung out a bit. Why?"

Seulgi sighed and with the silence that came after, Sooyoung could hear the noise of what sounded like rain. "I have a problem. With her and stuff."

A problem? With you? Sooyoung's biased mind wouldn't want to believe it. "Seul, you're gonna have to elaborate."

Even if she wished otherwise, Sooyoung supposed. And when the words that left Seulgi's mouth were, "I think I like her." Sooyoung really wished otherwise.

"Miss Park. Your visitor hours are about to start. Would you like me to allow any one in?" Sooyoung's nurse, Dokyung, asked as he peeked his head in her room after knocking.

Sooyoung, who'd been staring at the TV mindlessly, just nodded her head. "I'm expecting someone."

"Is that the girl who's been waiting in our lobby? She asked for you."

"That's the one. My mom's also supposed to show up in a few hours, too." Sooyoung responsed, a small smile put on her face as Dokyung exited. It fell as soon as he left, though. Sooyoung had a feeling the conversation would be less than pleasant.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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