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You awkwardly stood by the stands as everyone exited, including the team. People cheered and yelped for the winning team of IUA, but you were only focused on one person: Seulgi.

Surprisingly, after your classroom encounter, you two had run into each other again and again, to the point where Seulgi just suggested that you two went out to go hang.

You. Hanging out with Incheon University of Arts most athletically talented student. What?

You had obviously accepted and were absolutely excited. This would give you serious rep — not that it really mattered — but you definitely would be getting more attention. People would see you as someone cool, not just the art kid who sits in the school courtyard all day. Maybe you could use a change.

"Hi stranger! [Y/N], it was, right?" Someone was behind you and it did not sound like your "date" if you could even call it that. You turned slowly and hesitantly, but relaxed when you saw the soft and smiling face of Park Sooyoung.

"Yeah! It was, thanks for remembering. So, what brings you to this game?" You asked her. You didn't want to be rude, but she didn't seem like that type of person. The sports kind.

She just giggled a contagious giggle and gestured over to an around medium height girl surrounded by five other people. The back of her jersey spelled out Jung. "My friend Yerin, she's a player on this team." Sooyoung let her hand fall dramatically. "She would not leave me alone since I'd never come to one of her games!"

You laughed and nodded, expecting the conversation to take an awkward and silent turn until Sooyoung piped up with, "What about you? What brings to this game?"

"Well, you know the Seulgi on this team? Kang?" You answered with your own question. Sooyoung's face seemed to darken the slightest bit.

"Uh-huh. Are you two good friends?" Sooyoung's tone wasn't as bubbly, either.

"I wouldn't say 'good', but we're going out for ice cream today so we can bond! Do you wanna maybe come?" You threw that last part on last minute, worried that her sudden change in expression was about her not being involved.

She shook her head. "I should go catch up with my friend. Seulgi's actually right there," she pointed behind you. "I hope you guys have fun!"

Sooyoung pushed herself off the spot on the wall where she'd started to lean while talking to you and walked away. She turned around quickly though and added, "If you go to SM's Ice Shop, I recommend their mint chocolate chip!"

You giggled and waved, "Thanks, Sooyoung!" She nodded and continued walking.

"Hah, didn't know you and the princess were besties." Now that was Seulgi. You turned and got greeted by a smirk and a freshly washed Seulgi. She dressed very casually; her bright orange hair making her black and white outfit look Halloween themed.

"Nah, we just talk sometimes, you know?" You shrugged. "Anyways, I've been dying waiting out here for you! Can we go now?"

Seulgi rolled her eyes and started walking, not saying anything about wanting you to follow. When you didn't move, though, she look back at you with a look that said 'Come on!' You hurried toward her.

"Do you drive?" She asked as you two were walking into the parking lot. Everyone seemed to be leaving.

"Huh?" You replied, hearing her clearly but not expecting the question.

"I asked you if you drove, dumbass. I gotta know if I should bring you back to get your car or if I should drop you home."

Her words had a bit of care behind them. "That's actually really sweet of you. No, I don't drive. Failed my driving exam."

Seulgi snorted as she unlocked her car doors and pulled you out of the way of car that was coming backward. "Get in, idiot."

Who were you to decline such a polite request?


The two of you arrived at SM's about 15 minutes later. The car ride seemed about 5 minutes, though, thanks to you and Seulgi's similar music tastes.

"I never would have pegged you for a Halsey fan, nerd." She said while getting her IUA stamped wallet out her gym tote.

"I can say the same thing!" You retorted as you dug in your shoulder bag for your own wallet, too.

Seulgi snatched it out of your hands and put it back in your bag. "I'm buying. Use your own money when you ask me out, next time." And with that, she escaped into the chilly parlor.

You blinked a few times before following her, but the chill down your spine wasn't just from the cold air.

"What you want?" Seulgi's tone was nonchalant as she scanned the menu, tapping her foot. You were thinking of taking Sooyoung's suggestion, but decided against ice cream and decided to get a slice of [F/F] cheesecake.

Seulgi scoffed at your choice as she stepped up and ordered, seeming surprisingly polite as she spoke to the cashier.

"Your total is ₩16,022. Please have a seat and we'll bring your order to your table."

"Thank you." Seulgi had actually smiled — and it melted your heart. Her eyes turned up and her cheeks got chubbier, it was honestly the cutest thing you'd ever seen.

Your guys' adventure continued at Table 4 as you awaited your orders.

"You know, you kind of look like a bear when you smile." You said quietly, hoping she wouldn't have heard it and would spare your life.

"Why are you just saying that now, weirdo? I always smile around you." So, Seulgi did hear you.

You shook your head. "Nope. Those are smirks, not smiles! You're always really polite about people who aren't classmates."

Seulgi scowled. "Why should I show those assholes politeness when all they do is — yes, thank you ma'am — spread dumb rumors and stare at me like I'm some attraction!"

"Right there! You did it again." You teased. Seulgi didn't lose her scowl as she pushed your cake to your side of the table and started biting the vanilla bean ice cream in her cone.

"Eat, dumbass, and don't talk with your mouth full." Seulgi lectured as the vanilla melted in her mouth.

You did a fake salute and grabbed your fork, stabbing the pastry and taking a bite. You chewed and swallowed, showing off your mouth to the athlete to prove an imaginary point.

"Thanks, mom." That earned you a slap on the wrist.

"Oh, one more thing, too. You shouldn't really hang with Park Sooyoung. She's kind of crazy, you know." Seulgi said, ironically, with a glob of melting ice cream in her mouth.

You stopped eating. What?

"How do you know? I've never seen you two hang around each other that much," you commented, slicing off another piece with your fork absentmindedly.

"We used to date, but it's not big deal."

You choked.


(A/N: I've been trying to write a chapter for literally weeks, but then I through this together in about 20 minutes. It's 1,000+ words. Anyways~ I hope you guys liked this chapter and the sudden plot twist. 0-0 Everything will make sense soon. Bye bye.)

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