Wrapped Around Her Finger

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That was refreshing, wasn't it?

Ever since you had met Joohyun, it was like your life changed. For the better. Your time together was short, but you felt like it was longer. Unfortunately, you hadn't seen her since that day.

Then, you met the Kang Seulgi. And she was kind of nice? You weren't sure, but you knew she didn't hate you, either. You attended one of her games and she saw you in the crowd, waved to you, and smiled. That must've been a good sign, right?

You can't forget about Yerim, either. What were the odds of that? The two of you made plans ASAP so you could catch up. Small Yerim was still as sweet as ever. She really didn't change at all. The same jokes and the same smile, too. Makes sense that you had the tiniest hint of a crush on her back in grade school.

The other girls were amazing, too. Seungwan and Sooyoung were the cutest! Seungwan had been so shy during the tour, but it was rather endearing. Seungwan was someone you wanted to know more about. The rumors were definitely not true.

The talk about Sooyoung, on the other hand, contained no lies. Her beauty was captivating and her smile was above all. The majestic-ness did come with a price of many admirers, though. You couldn't help but feel a little bad. She must be burdened by all overwhelming affection.

All these thoughts disappeared when your phone rang, Yerim's smiling face lighting up the screen. You smiled at the picture, as if smiling back at the petite girl.

Pushing the green button, you let out a small "hello" before you heard Yerim's bright and loud voice.

"[Y/N]!" Yerim screamed, her voice clearly filled with excitement. "Guess what just happened!"

"What?" You asked, feeding into her enthusiasm.

"Isabelle's gonna be in Smash!" You could practically hear her smile. Of course, you weren't as excited as her, but you enthused her anyway.

"Wanna come over and celebrate with unhealthy junk food and Disney movies?" You laughed at that. You should have known. Yerim's trying to lure you over to her place so she can have a shoulder to cry on when Moana's grandmother dies.

Still, you agree and soon you're heading over to your best friends house with a backpack filled with necessities.

You didn't have a car so you decided on walking rather than taking an Uber or the bus. You liked the scenery anyway. Of course, the vicinity wasn't the prettiest, but there was that cute bakery on the corner. You had gone there a few times and were pretty good friends with the owner's daughter — Kim Hyunjin. That girl made the best bread.

You contemplated back and forth between stopping there and just continuing on your way to your destination. Of course, your thoughts were disrupted by a clearing of the throat and a call of your name.

"[Y/N]?" the very strange and oddly familiar voice called from behind you.

You turned on instinct, your jaw dropping when you saw the face you were just thinking about. Bae Joohyun. No doubt, you smiled and walked over to hug her. Joohyun must not have been expecting that as she awkwardly hugged back, chuckling lowly.

"It's been so long since our first meeting," she spoke. You'd forgotten how breathtaking she was. Long black hair and a matured face. Her entire aura screamed something, but you couldn't tell what.

She didn't seem that shy anymore.

"I know," you finally replied. "How's your morning library runs so far? I haven't had time to get there recently."

"Oh, they've been great," Joohyun smiled. Is that the first time you've seen her smile? It feels weird to think that, but you do. It also leaves you with an image of the sight sketched in your mind.

You also noticed her change in wardrobe. Instead of her usual black attire (you have to remind yourself that you've only seen her once), she's wearing a cute, pink oversized hoodie. Maybe that's her favorite color. Hm.

"That's good!" You try to think of something to say, but your mind goes blank. Then you suddenly remember Yerim.

"Well, uh," you press your lips into a line, trying to think of how to say it. "I gotta go. It was nice seeing you, though! Really nice."

Joohyun nods quickly and smiles. "Of course. I'll try to see you later?" She says, even though it comes out more like a question. You nod and exchange some goodbyes and waves.

You watch Joohyun head into the bakery you thought about. "Huh," you whisper. "Great minds think alike."


Finally, you make it to Yerim's. You decided halfway that you should have just caught a cab or something because your feet will never be the same.

Yerim lives off campus with her parents. When you knock on the door, her dad has to adjust his glasses because he's seen your face before, but can't remember where.

"Is it..." he trails off, trying to remember your name. You stand there silently praying that your friend will pop out and save you. As if on cue, Yerim's messy bed head pops out.

"Dad," she rolls her eyes. "Why didn't you let [Y/N] in?"

Mister Kim smacks his head. "I knew it! It's little [Y/N] from 5th grade, isn't it?"

Yerim sighs and grabs your hand to drag you in. "We're gonna go in the basement, dad! Don't interrupt us please!"

You can barely say hi to her little sister before takes you down into her sanctuary.

"We're not gonna leave this basement, are we?" You ask her resulting in a smirk from the devil in disguise.

"You already know the answer to that question."


(A/N: She lives! Hello lovers of LIG! I am back with another lengthy chapter featuring our very own Irene and Yeri! I also changed my writing style as I am constantly trying to improve on it. I hope you guys like it.

This chapter is a little more fun and cute than the others. The main focus is on our childhood BFF that probably has a crush on us but that's not even our business.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I read you all again in what like two more months?)

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