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Joohyun looks at herself uneasily in the front camera of her phone, playing with the beige beret on her head. Today, she dressed differently than her usual black. She wore a baby blue sweater and a white skirt that fell to her knees. In her ears, a shell patterned earring. Instead of her usual glasses, she popped in prescription colored contacts, a beautiful shade of green.

It would be a lie if she said she wasn't uncomfortable. It would also be a lie if she didn't think it was worth it.

But after the announcement, she started to think that she should've picked a different day to dress up like this. Uneasily, Joohyun made her way to the auditorium. The bag on her shoulder and the looks from other students weighed heavily on her. Why is she suddenly visible to everyone when she only wanted to be seen more by you?

She'd seen the girls you spent your time around. How they were all stylish and confident and such. Joohyun just thought that maybe if she dressed like them, you'd finally spend time with her like you did them.

The brunette sat in the viewing seat nearest to the door, which surprisingly wasn't taken. Her bag on her lap and her heart in her stomach, she awaited anxiously for the principal to start talking just so she could get out of the damned auditorium.

"Hey! I remember you!"

Joohyun rolled her eyes, realizing she'd picked the wrong spot to sit. She was probably in front of two childhood friends being reunited after a period of being separate. Two childhood friends who literally talk through the entire speech. Very annoying.

"Miss Library: Bae Joohyun, right?"

Or maybe not.

Joohyun turned slowly. Her mind was going absolutely insane with crazy thoughts she tried so hard to suppress. Fully turned to her right, Joohyun felt her heart jump straight into her throat. It was...you.

She nodded silently, not being able to say a word. Her eyes darted to the seat next to her. It was empty and you stood straight in front of it. She pleaded for you to sit mentally and almost shouted in joy when she heard you ask, "Can I sit here?"

"Of course!" Joohyun exclaimed a bit too happily. Not noticing, you smiled and sat. The close proximity made Joohyun blush and remember how unprepared she was for this moment. Her eyes fluttered shut as she tried to remember practicing in the mirror. A deep breath in and out, smile and turn towards her, ask her how she's been, make her fall in love. Simple.

Meeting your eyes, Joohyun put on her best practiced grin. She used one hand to push her hand behind her ear and finally, spit out her well-rehearsed line: "How have you been, love?"

Wait. No. Not how that was supposed to go.

Joohyun blushes fiercely, her risen hand dropping along with her face. Before she can even apologize, you butt in with your own reply. "Pretty good. Just hanging out here and there. How about you, love?" You say the last part teasingly, mocking her playfully as if you two were old friends.

And Joohyun almost melted from this. It was the interaction that she'd been wanting for what seemed like so long. A genuine, teethy smile spread across her face and she opened her mouth to begin to start speaking. Then, someone cleared their throat at the mic.

Principal Hwang stood at the front of the stage, a solemn expression on her face. Both you and Joohyun sensed the mood and shifted your expressions to fit it. With the room now silent, sobs and sniffles could definitely be heard.

"As some of you may know," Principal Hwang started. "One of our beloved students have been injured. Park Sooyoung, one of the top students in our modeling course."

The entire auditorium erupted into shocked gasps and chatter. Joohyun winced, just out of being a good person. She didn't feel too much, not knowing that the girl even existed. When she heard a pained sound escape you, however, her snapped toward you.

Your face was twisted into a worried knot. If Joohyun squinted hard enough, she'd see a tear in your eye. Your body language was tense, with you leaning forward in your chair and hands gripping the seat handles. You only looked more worried as the principal started to speak again.

"I am not allowed to say what she is suffering from or what the doctors suspect has happened, but I wanted to make a formal announcement in case rumors spread." She gulped before continuing. "Today, school will continue, but I will give you all a day off to deal with this news tomorrow. Our Sooyoung will not be attending school for a bit, but a memorial will be set up in the day you are absent to give your condolences. The school thanks you for you time. You are all dismissed."

Joohyun walked you out of the auditorium after most of the people had all left. After your small breakdown, she wasn't sure if she trusted you to be by yourself. You needed comfort. And you could get it from her.

"That's messed up, but I hope she's alright," Joohyun commented shyly as you two entered the halls. Many people seemed to be in obvious mourning; the mood was very dark and gloomy. Well, it had been.

You nodded as you readied to reply back to her, but a soft voice called out from behind you. "[Y/N]! Are you feeling alright?"

Your attention was ripped away from Joohyun, much to her dismay, and you turned around. The girl that called out to you was standing right behind you two and engulfed you into a hug. You embraced the girl back and Joohyun felt the tiniest bit left out.

"Yeri-ah, I'm okay," you said quietly as you pulled away from her arms. "Joohyun here was consoling me. She's truly an angel." As if it was nothing, you reached back to grab her hand and show it off to Yerim. Joohyun's face burst into a ball of red flame. She smiled at the girl who seemed to be a close friend of yours and lowered the hand when Yerim started to almost glare at it.

Yerim grabs your other hand, making eye contact with the older girl. "Thank you, Jugyeong, I really appreciate you helping out my best friend here." Joohyun scoffed at the misuse of her name, finding courage somewhere deep down to stare right back into Yerim's eyes. "But I think we're done here. Come on, [Y/N]. I found a great spot for you to take some photos and I can sketch there, too!"

Yerim yanked at your arm, pulling you so hard that your other hand slipped out of Joohyun's grip. Still, Yerim didn't waste time to flash an icy look at the older girl one more time.

You jerked forward at Yerim's pull, turning frantically to wave to Joohyun as you were dragged away. Joohyun waved back to you, her anger softening just the right amount to look sweet to you.

Right before she turned to continue with her day, though, she caught you mouthing something strange.

'I'll find you!'

Joohyun puffed her cheeks as she packed up her belongings during her last class. The interaction with your "friend" was still fresh on her mind. She began to think about how you could've been friends with someone so bitter until her phone dinged, snapping her out of her rage.

(x) xxx-xxx-xxxx:

joohyunie? it's [Y/N]! i told you i'd find you didnt i? <3

Joohyun laughed at your message, smiling for the first time since that morning. That must've been it. You're just too sweet for your own good.


(A/N: Okay but why do I love this chapter so much?!?? I don't write about Bae as much as I should so I guess this chapter just makes me so happy sjjsjs. I hope you guys enjoyed!)

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