Floral Memories

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Kim Yerim. The flower girl. No one really knows her since she always seems to hide in the closet with her journal. When her and her long time friend meet, people see a new side of the quiet flower girl. Another hyperactive freshman?

Yerim wanted to scream.

Today had been one of the worst days of her life. She forgot her headphones and her sketchbook at her dorm, her math teacher decided not to collect the work she spent hours on, and she had just smacked someone with a door.

The person had been walking out of Ms. Hwang's room, but Yerim was going in. I guess you can see how that panned out.

"I'm so sorry," Yerim apologized immediately. "I didn't see you there."

The unknown person had their head down, holding their nose. "No, no. I'm fine. It's fine. It's my fault, too." They laughed softly.

"I'm Kim Yerim," she held out her hand to the new person. She didn't know if she was going to shake their hand or pull them up, but they didn't take her hand. Instead they slowly lifted up their head, eyes widened in disbelief.


The nickname made said girl freeze, for there was only a few people who called her that. All of which, she had lost contact with. When the shock wore off, she realized that the girl look familiar. Too familiar.

Yerim analyzed the girl's features a little more and she gathered up enough confidence to whisper a name. "[Y/N]? Is it you?"


The both of them sat outside the nurses office. The door had hit [Y/N] hard enough to give her a bloody nose, but she was fine since she found Yerim. She made a mental note to thank the door later.

During the wait for the nurse, they caught up. They talked about crushes, their identical majors, crazy things that happened to them, and more. It was like they had never been separated.

Their fingers were intertwined and the atmosphere was comfortable. Someone had passed by and whispered something about how cute of a couple they were. They just smiled at each other and said a thank you, giggling to themselves as the person left.

"We do make a good couple, don't we?" Yeri asked the slightly injured girl beside her.

[Y/N] scoffed, gesturing to her nose. "I would agree, but you did just hit me with a door some minutes ago." She finished her statement with a playful roll of her eyes, before both of them broke out into laughter again.

"I can't believe we found each other," [Y/N] smiled at the girl who wiping tears out of her eyes. "This honestly seems like something out of a book."

"The childhood friends meet after being apart for years. That sounds about right," Yerim agreed with her old friend.

"The only part missing is when we fall in love, right?"

Yerim almost choked. Memories of her childhood crush resurfaced and she felt warm in the face. She let her long hair cover her blush as she turned to the other side, facing away from the girl next to her. She then pretended to scoff and muttered something about never dating a scrub like [Y/N].

[Y/N] poked the back of Yerim's head. "You thought about it didn't you?" The teasing grin could be heard in her voice.

Yerim turned back around, praying to the art gods that her face wasn't as red as she thought it was. "Stop poking the back of my head! You know how much I hate it. And I did think about it, okay? I just wanted to check the time and it looks like lunch will be over soon," Yerim said the last sentence sadly, knowing that they would probably not see each other until the next day.

The nurse hadn't come out at all and knowing Ms. Jung, she was asleep at her desk.

[Y/N] sighed and forced a pout. "Do we have to go back to class?"

"Are you implying that we skip?"

"Are you implying that you've never skipped before?"

[Y/N] knew too much about Yerim, but Yerim liked that. She could see through whatever lie and make you feel better in any way. Yerim also liked that it worked both ways. Just like [Y/N] knew too much about Yerim, Yerim knew too much about [Y/N].

"I'm implying that you've never skipped before. Now get to class young lady!" Yerim playfully scolded the girl who dejectedly stood up, obeying her friend.

"Fine, mom," [Y/N] teased. "See you later, Yeri-ah?"

"Of course, silly," Yerim smiled. As [Y/N] started to walk off, she realized something. "Wait! [Y/N], give me your number!" She yelled after the retreating girl.

[Y/N] turned with a smile. "I'll find you." was the only thing she said before the bell rang and the halls were filled with students.


Yerim lay on her bed, not able to shake off the feeling of excitement after today. There was just one thing. What did [Y/N] mean by finding her?


Yerim groaned, picking up her phone to see who texted her.

(x) xxx-xxx-xxxx:

what did i say, yeri-ah? i knew i'd find you


[A/N: i was honestly about to scrap this whole thing lmao,,, how did you guys like our longest chapter? we have some more "romantic" moments and yeri is lowkey having a crisis. also how did [y/n] find yeri's number? ( ‾ ʖ̫ ‾)]

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