A Little Jealousy

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"Yes, Mother, I understand," Seungwan spoke into her cellphone, walking down the busy streets where all of the usual parlors and shops and boutiques were. The wealthy girl had been sent out on a very specific errand — well, technically it was one of her butlers, but Seungwan wanted to get a little air — for her mother. To spot and buy a nice baby blue dress, preferably with white accents, for a special event that her mother would be attending. You would think that the woman would already have one with how big her closet was.

"Okay, Mom. I'll call you later, bye!" She quickly hung up the phone without another word. God, the mother of the Son family could be such a nag, but that didn't mean Seungwan loved her any less.

The brunette's eyes scanned the store windows in an attempt to get a good look at a mannequin with something suitable on. Instead, she got a good look at something else. Someone else to be exact.

There they were. The redhead sports addict and that cute little guide that Seungwan had met on the first day. And had also fallen for a bit. Which is maybe why she stopped in her tracks to observe the two on their...date?

"Uh," her accompanying "bodyguard," Harold, spoke carefully. "Miss Seungwan? Would you like to get something from this café?"

Snapping out of her haze, she shook her head. "No, no. I just recognized someone from school. They look busy, though. I'll just say hi to them later." Seungwan kept walking after that, her face slightly red. Not from embarrassment, but from a little bit of anger.


That Monday, Seungwan caught you as you were leaving for the day.

"Hey, [Y/N]!"

You turned, your headphone falling out of your ear. You looked a bit confused as you searched for the voice, but the sensation ended quickly — Seungwan was waving.

"Oh, hi, Seungwan!"

Said girl started to make her way through the maze of people trying to exit to catch up with you. You chuckled a bit. She looked so small and cute in the crowd of tall teenagers, that seemed to be looking at her in a very condescending and rude way.

Seungwan hooked her arms with the you, causing multiple students around you to look in shock. Why was she touching you? Wasn't she super rude and stuck up? How could you even possible get along with her?

You noticed the stares almost immediately, feeling anxious, but Seungwan seemed to be...perfectly unbothered?

"Hi, Seungwan? How's your days at school been so far?"

The shorter heir smiled and shook her head side to side. "No need to worry about that! Let's talk about you? What do you wanna do today?" She seemed to be walking on air with the way she was skipping beside you.

You laughed as you walked with her. "Well, I was planning to do some homework, but I'm getting the impression you'd like to spend time with me?" Again, you chuckled a bit awkwardly. "I don't really see why, but sure, I guess."

Seungwan scoffed at your remark, smacking your arm playfully. "You don't know why? You're super cool and so nice, too." She became a bit bashful, "And you treat me like a regular human being. Thanks."

"No problem, Seungwan. You shouldn't thank me for being a good person. It's like thanking a dog for barking, you know?"

"I really like your mentality, [Y/N]."

You smiled, opening your mouth to reply with a "Thanks," but your words were drowned out by a somewhat familiar voice.

"So do I. Heard you guys were going out? Mind if I join?"


Park Sooyoung had made her way up on Seungwan's "Bane of Existence" list and it only took one sentence.

She couldn't be mad at you for saying yes, since you probably only thought of it as a get together with a friend, but Sooyoung had no business placing herself into other's plans like that. Talk about rude.

"Did you check out the ice cream shop I told you about?" Sooyoung hooked herself onto the other side of you, placing you in the middle of your makeshift baby chain.

"Yep! But I didn't try out the ice cream you told me about," You said apologetically. "We can go together another time, right? Wanna come, Wan?"

"Sure," the girl in question answered through gritted teeth, eyes hooked onto the ground.

"Even if she didn't want to, we'd still go together, right [Y/N]?" Sooyoung added quickly in a sweet tone, trying to disguise the bite in her words. You shrugged, "Okay, but let's not leave anyone out of anything. Don't wanna come across as rude or anything."

Seungwan almost laughed aloud. You weren't the one who had to worry about being rude, it was the tall, model-like honor student that stood beside you.

Sooyoung was a problem. A problem that Seungwan was going to solve.


(A/N: Hi lesbians, how are you today? I know the lot of you guys have probably started school and I just wanna say good luck! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, it's about to get good 🌚)

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