First Glance

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Bae Joohyun. She was the shy kid. Didn't really talk to anyone. One day, she met a person. A person who would change it all.

"Today is a new day," the black haired girl sighed to herself as she walked through the doors of Incheon University of Arts. She was an art student, like a majority of the people here in IUA. She just started taking classes this year, wanting to expand her abilities. It was going great, really, until they started doing group projects.

I know, it sounds like a silly thing to say. But when you're as shy and anxious as Joohyun, the word "group" can give you a heart attack. She saw some new students walk through the halls. There was Kim Kendall. The all around American girl who had lived in Texas all her life. (Who apparently changed her name to make people think she was half-American. Her real name is Kim Kyungshim.) There was Madeline, or Maddy, who moved from California. Unfortunately, that was all she knew about the girl. Yes, she could try to get to know her better, but the beginning of the chapter thoroughly explains why she can't do that.

"What time is it?" Joohyun whispered to herself, pulling out her phone and checking the time. She sighed when she saw that there was about 30 minutes until her next class. "Great," she breathed. Relieved that she has a little time before her day actually starting, she put a small smile on her face. She really wasn't going to do anything but sit in the library for a few minutes, but she still felt like she needed that time to herself.

Joohyun started to walk quickly to the library that was, fortunately, in the second hallway. She turned the corner and instead of seeing a full hallway, she saw a girl on the floor. A pretty girl.

'What are you doing, Bae Joohyun?!' She thought angrily to herself. 'Help her up, you idiot.' She almost said it out loud as she crouched down to help up the unknown girl.

"Thank you," the girl said as she stood up straight and bowed slightly. "I'm so sorry for crashing into you, um..." She paused. "What's your name?"

"Oh, it's Joohyun. I'm Joohyun." The shy girl spoke with  a small voice. She wasn't used to meeting new people or talking to them. Heck, this is probably the most social interaction she'd had all week!

"Nice, I'm [Y/N]. Again, I'm so sorry for crashing into you again! Nice to meet you." [Y/N] nodded and smiled.

'Wow, she has a beautiful smile.' Joohyun thought while titling her head. She mentally slapped herself and bowed her head to be polite and to hide her cheeks. "It's fine." She didn't know what to say. What if she embarrassed herself?

"We both should probably get to class. I think it starts in a good 10 minutes." [Y/N] noted, making Joohyun want to cry and crawl back in the hole she came out of. She didn't even get to sit in the library.

They both nodded and headed their separate ways. It took Joohyun a little while to realize that she was walking away from her classroom. She quickly turned around, just making it to the door. She was panting heavily and was pretty sure she made a fool of herself.

While sitting in her seat, Joohyun tried to focus. She did everything she could do, but she couldn't. Why? Because a pretty girl kept running around in her mind. A pretty girl named [Y/N].


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