Rich Kids

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Son Seungwan. Also known as Wendy. Daughter of one of the best lawyers in Canada. If you listen to the rumors, she's stuck up and arrogant. If you talk to her, she's sweet and funny. Do you listen to the rumors or do you go up to her and talk even though your friends tell you not to?

Seungwan walked through the halls. She knew no one would be talking about her while she was in their presence, but she couldn't help but keep an ear out. Some people gave her looks, but others didn't even know who she was. It gave her a little closure.

Making a good impression was first on her to-do list, even though it shouldn't have been. Being a well-known figure's daughter has its perks, like the gourmet chefs that make great pancakes and are amazing friends (Chef Shawn in particular), but when a principal makes an unneeded announcement about your transfer to the school, people will start searching.

All she needed to do was to make it clear that she wasn't a snob or a bully. And that's hard, especially with all the two-faces in the world. Seungwan probably wouldn't trust herself.

Before Seungwan herself even knew, she was in front of the office door-wait, no. In front of a girl holding a clipboard. She had a blindingly bright smile which made Seungwan's heart melt a little. It was that feeling, you know? When you see an attractive person?

"You must be the lovely Seungwan! Hi, I'm [Y/N]. I'll be your guide around IUA. You major in music theory, correct?" The girl spoke first, looking down at her clipboard for clarification. Though Seungwan blacked out at the word lovely, she nodded shyly making [Y/N] laugh. "I understand that feeling, so don't worry. I'd be glad to be your first friend. Come on!"

Another nod and the two were walking through the halls. The bell rung as soon as they stepped away from the office, marking that class has started for the university. Well, most of the university. Seungwan and [Y/N] were still walking together, completing their tasks, but also becoming better friends. Not that anyone was complaining or anything.

"And here is the lunch room," [Y/N] gestured to the large room with white tiles and blue walls. Janitors were mopping, and cooks were preparing lunches for the first lunch. "You'll be in the second lunch. I'm actually in the first one, but I sit with you today."

Her words were so casual and a smile topped them off, but Seungwan was busy trying to hide her blush. She wasn't usually like this. Why was she like this? There are so many pretty girls that she's seen, so why is she acting like an idiot in front of this one?

"Thank you, [Y/N]," she forced out. [Y/N] let out a small laugh and rested her hand on Seungwan's shoulder. "No problem. Now let's hurry up before you homeroom class is finished." Her hand was now removed from her shoulder and Seungwan couldn't deny that she didn't miss it.

When the tour ended, Seungwan also couldn't deny that she missed [Y/N]. She missed her presence and kindness.

Now, Seungwan had another thing on her to-do list. Get to know the wonderful [Y/N].


[A/N: hey everyone! im sorry if this chapter is a little more shorter. ive had a really hard few months and just wanted to update for you guys. i hoped you like this chapter featuring our little pretentious seungwannie! the lovely joy's is already in the works. see you later.]

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