Family Business

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"Yeri," you called out to the girl tightly holding your arm as she raced to an unknown destination.

"Just wait, [Y/N]! You're gonna love this place," she said, continuing to ignore you. You tried to skid your feet so that you slowed, but you only tripped yourself. "Gosh, be more careful. Can't have you getting hurt can we?"

A scoff escaped you at her nonchalant statement. She carried on simply as if you didn't almost just hit the floor. "Yeri, let me go!"

The plea fell on deaf ears again, the short but strong girl continuing to drag you further to somewhere you honestly didn't want to go. She was being rude; she dragged you away from Joohyun, was ignoring you, and didn't even ask you if you wanted to go anywhere. You were sick of it, feeling overwhelmed by what all of this day had turned out to hold.

"Yerim! I said let go!" You shouted, yanking your wrist back with all your might and stopping your feet. Yerim unstably continued to jog forward, obviously thrown off balance by your pull. Your wrist ached, you now realized. She'd been gripping it so hard that you didn't notice, it just felt like some type of pressure. Yerim looked back at you, her mouth gaping and eyes shocked.

"Why Yerim? What happened to Yeri-ah?" She questioned quietly.

"What happened to Yeri is the question I'm trying to find an answer to!" You said, rubbing at your wrist. "Why did you drag me away from Joohyun like that?"

Yerim was now fully facing you. You could fully see the kicked puppy look now. She bit her lip and started to fiddle with her hands. "Well, I wanted to spend time with you and I thought you'd want to spend some with me, too."

The excuse made you shake your head. "I do, but I have other things to do, Yerim. What happened to you texting me and letting me know stuff?" Yerim just shrugged, still playing with her fingers. It was a habit you recognized; she did it all the time when she got in trouble as a child. But now? You were surprised to see that she kept the quirk.

"Oh," Yerim said softly. "Well, I guess I'll text you later."

"Yeah, I guess you will, Yeri."


You did have somewhere to be: The computer lab. Someone was waiting for you there and you knew that they'd be annoyed at your tardiness. It wasn't all your fault. If you weren't dragged halfway across the school, you'd been there already.

The door was already ajar and you could feel the cool air from the AC flowing through the crack. You entered, closing it behind you and muttered an awkward hello to your date.

"Look who finally decided to show up!"

"Sorry, Amber," you apologized as you went to sit next to her. Amber Liu, your second cousin on your mom's side worked as the computer teacher for IUA and was a very partial help to your acceptance. A good word always helped. The short-haired female sat at her desk and you pulled a spinny chair right next to hers, plopping down in it. "Best friend duty called, I guess."

"Ooh," Amber teased, giving your arm a light punch. "Who have you been flirting with?"

You winced and rubbed at the abused spot. "No one! It was just Yerim. The girl who's number you helped me get." The mention of a number reminded you of Joohyun and you perked up. "Oh! And I need your help with that again. Bae Joohyun, I think."

Amber sighed at the mention of a name and pulled her glasses over her nose. She made a few clicks on her PC and started to type afterward. "Forever the stalker, [Y/N]. But besides that, what's up with the Yerim kid? Did you have to console her after the assembly or something?"

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