•Chapter Three•

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(Adyms point of view)

After Amy and I went downstairs, Karen had agreed to leave early as Amy had homework.

I clean the table and place a new cloth over it. Tonight was amazing.

"So, what do you think of Karen and Amy?" My mum asks, walking in the dining room while drying her hands.

"Amazing, I'm so happy we moved here..." I say with a smile slowly spreading up my face.

"Good good, Karen had mentioned that Amy goes to FIDM." She says putting the cloth down.

"FIDM?" I ask.

"Fashion Institute of Design And Merchandising. Which one did you apply for again?" She asks.

"Cogswell college." I say nodding.

"Isn't that about YouTube?" She asks.

"No mother it's associated with music." I tut and roll my eyes.

"I'm loosing my memory, I am getting old Adym." She says laughing.

I laugh and head upstairs, I close the door and sit on the bed.

I hear my phone ping in my bum pocket, I pull it out and notice I have a message off Amy.

Amy </3
Go to your window x

Stand up from the bed and rush to the window. I look over to her house and notice she is sat in the window posing. I smile and wave. She waves back and blushes.

I grab my phone and ring her, I put the phone to my and wait for her to pick up.

"Hello stranger..." she says laughing.

"Hello beautiful. You look all tumblr sat in the window looking like that." I say looking at her.

"Well, I do this all the time so don't judge me." She says giggling.

"Gosh I miss you so much..." I mumble. I run a hand through my hair and put my bandana on.

"I miss you too... wait let me check the time." She pulls the phone away and checks the time. After checking she puts the phone back to her ear.

"My mum is going out tonight and staying at her friends so I'm home alone." She smiles.

"Can I come round?" I say quickly.

"If it's okay with your mum then of course. I'd love the company." She says smirking.

"Okay, well I'll get my shoes on. I can just say I'm going for a walk." I say.

"Okay, see you soon."

"And you." I end the call and put my shoes on. I sort my hair out and walk downstairs.

"Off out?" My mum says appearing near the door.

"Yeah just going for a walk." I lie, smiling.

"Alright, be home by 10. Or if your sleeping out just make sure you message me." She nods and walks away.

I rush out the door and jog across the road. As soon as I put my hand up to knock on the door, Amy pulls the door open.

"Well hello." She says giggling.

"Did you really get your pjs on and wait behind the door for me?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"No..." she giggles and pulls me in by the hand.

"So, I have popcorn, fizzy pop and cheese pizza on the way." She says happily.

"Prepared much." I say laughing. She runs upstairs and I walk up following her.

I walk into her brightly coloured room and shut the door. While she picks a film to watch and gets the pizza from the door, I walk around the room looking at printed off pictures on the wall. All neatly places and held by a string of thin rope.

I notice a picture of her when she was younger, with a middle aged man. He has an arm around her shoulder and she smiling hugging his waist. Underneath she wrote;

'I miss you loads dad.

She must have noticed me looking at the picture and walked up behind me.

"Almost three years since he passed... it really doesn't feel like it." She sighs and hugs me. I hug back and kiss her forehead.

"Can I as-"

"That's a story for another day." She whispers looking up. I kiss her lips softly and she kisses back.

I look at her and move her long hair out of her face.

"I'm so sorry Amy..." I say walking towards the bed.

"It's fine, honestly. People ask all the time." She tries to smile, but I could tell she's hurting inside.

I kick my shoes off and take my top off, I intertwine our fingers and get under the blankets. She follows along and cuddles up to me.

"Have you ever seen this?" She says pointing to the screen.

"What? John Tucker Must Die? This is an ace film." I laugh and play with her hair. She snuggles more into my chest and sighs.

We both watched the film. Sometimes we would both grabs a little something to eat but other than that we would just look at each other.

I hear my phone begin to ring and I sigh heavily.

"It's probably just my mum." I say pecking her lips. I get up and answer the phone.

"Adym,where are you? It's half ten." She asks.

"Sorry, I forgot to text. Is it okay if I sleep in Amy's guest room? She's home alone as her mum has to do a night shift." I say making things up.

"Of course, just don't stay in the same bed." She says seriously.

"Yes mum." I roll my eyes.

We say our goodbyes and I put the phone down. I look up at Amy to see she's fast asleep.

I smile and take a picture. She's all cuddled up to my t-shirt and wrapped in a blanket. I clear the food off the bed and put them on her side table. I turn the tv off and slide in bed next to her.

She shuffles slightly and sighs in her sleep. She holds my hand and puts her head on my chest.

I smile more and play with her hair slowly. I go on my phone and check my twitter. I read the positive tweets and and check my DM's.

After reading different messages off my fans I put my phone under the pillow and kiss Amy's head. After that I slowly start to fall asleep.


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