^Checked^ - Chapter Thirty Six

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Amy's POV

It's been about 30 minuets and me and Adym are still sat on the blanket, eating. To be honest, I could stay here forever. The view is absolutely gorgeous...

"Babe?" He asks, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes?" I reply, looking up at him as a place some pringles in my mouth.

"Do you want to get married?- that sounds weird. I mean like eventually down the line...?" He itches the side of his head nervously waiting for me to reply.

"I mean, considering we are having a baby, it's going to test our limits and see if we are capable of being together. But yes. Eventually I'd love to get married to you." I smile widely and climb across the blanket to him and peck his lips.

"I was just thinking. Usually, people don't have children to they get married. They think of this fairytale where they meet someone, have this connection instantly, get married, have children and live happily ever after. I mean come on..." He rambles on, I smile, admiring his features. "Are you listening?" He asks, making me look at him confused.

"Yes of course, I was just admiring your features." I giggle, moving around towards him and laying on his shoulder.

"I'm going to be busy tomorrow night. I need you to promise me-"He says in a serious tone.

"What?" I look up concerned.

"...promise me that you won't judge me when I come back. I'm doing this for us and our little baby...." he plays with my hair and places one hand on my stomach.

I sit up, facing him. He looks at me with worry in his eyes. I nod slowly and kiss his cheek. "I promise"


I get out the shower, drying my hair and wiping the rest of my smudged mascara from under my eyes. Walking towards my bedroom with my towel around me, I hear my phone ringing. I go inside my room to answer the call.

It's Adym wanting to FaceTime. I roll my eyes and answer.

"Hello beautiful." He smiles. His hairs all messy and he's in bed cuddling his duvet.

"You lazy bum, why are you in bed?" I smile, brushing my hair.

"It's 10pm... I'm tired." I roll my eyes as he rubs his.

"Maybe I could keep you awake by doing a little something..." I smirk. He raises his eyebrow and sits up in his bed.

"Fire away baby." He says, sorting his hair out.

I take a deep breath and place my phone on my desk, leaning it up against my books. I go over to my door and lock it and close the curtains. Looks down at him, I see him watching my every mood. I giggle slightly causing him to question.

"Nothing, nothing. You ready?" I hide my face quickly and he chuckles.

"Don't hide your face baby. Just do what your going to do." He smiles.

I drop my white towel from my body and let it drop to the floor. I hear a mumbled 'fuck' causing me to go shy and hide my face.

"A-baby..." He groans slightly. He shuffles making the camera fall.

"That's not all..." i say, sitting on my bed, slowly parting my legs.

"Fuck Amy. Don't." He bites his lip.

"Daddy... come over. My mums out. Front doors unlocked." I bite my lip cussing him to end the call. I smile proudly at myself and put the phone down, going up and unlocking my bedroom door. I hear my front door shut and someone coming up the stairs. Just as planned, Adym walks in and places his phone on the desk and comes straight to the bed, attaching our lips instantly.

"This isn't like you baby girl...." he whispers against my neck as he sucks and nibble it, causing me to moan.

"It's something different. Considering we can't do much anymore, I thought I'd do something for you." And me.

"I like the sound of that." He growls, moving his hand down to my sex. I push his hand away causing him to look confused at me.

"Lie down." I say. He raises his eyebrow at me. "Lie down." I repeat myself, making him do what he's told.

I stand up, still naked, and grab a belt from inside my wardrobe. I tie his hands together and tie them to he back of my bed.

"Remember all those times you teased me...? Now it's payback." I grin, sitting back on the bottom of my bed, using one hand to hold me up. Starting from the top, I run my finger past my lip, pulling it down slightly, moving it down to my boobs rubbing over them. Moving my hand down my stomach, I watch Adym as he bites his lip, examining me. As I start rubbing my fingers over my slit, I begin to feel myself getting wetter, causing me to moan. I spread my legs wider making sure Adym is able to see everything.

"Amy." He says angrily. I ignore him and slip one finger in, making me moan and grind slightly.

"Daddy, it's a shame you can't help me." I whisper seductively, carrying on. Looking down, I see his trousers are tight. I'm making him hard.

"Baby you're so wet. Let me help you." He groans. I smirk, and start rubbing myself again.

"Think you can do better baby?" He nods. I lick my bottom lip and slip my hand away, placing my fingers into his mouth. He sucks them and moans.

"Oh baby, you taste so good..." pulling my hand away, I undo his hands. He instantly grips my waist tightly causing me to gasp. "How dare you tease daddy like that." He growls. Fuck. He's mad.

"Get across my knee NOW." He commands. I do as I'm told and squeezes my thighs shut.

"You won't be getting away with that Baby girl. Not. At. All." Fucking hell... He's so hot when he's mad.

He rubs his hands together and smacks my left cheek. I jump, grubbing the duvet. He repeats his action 4 more times till he begins to rub the spot he had hit.

He makes me stand back up and lay on the bed.

"Ady- daddy?" I whisper, staring at him. I tie my hair in a little bun on my head.

"What?" He turns to me, still mad.

"Could you clean me up...?" I whisper.

"Would I- is that a stupid question." He says calmly. He moves down to my legs and spreads them wide. Finishing me off, he licks all over my clit making me moan and grip the sheets. After licking me dry, he take his trousers and boxers off and signals for me to sort him out. I lick my lips and do as I'm told.


I was bored driving back from somewhere so I thought I'd write while I had the chance. 1132 words!! I hope you're proud of me 😂.

Considering I've not really put any effort into this story (SORRY!) I'm going to make an effort with my readers.

~ private message me with any ideas or little bits you might wants to add into this chapter, I will '@' your name and give you credit.

~ if you want to have your story promoted at the end of the chapter, you may do the follow---


If you don't get chosen, don't worry :)) there's always the next chapter to do the previous instructions.

Thank you so much for all the reads.
I genuinely really do appreciate it.
130K that is amazing honestly.

_ insta >> abbeh_blakex

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