^Checked^ - Chapter Thirty Seven

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Amy's pov

I place both of my earphone in, plugging them into the jack and played a shuffled playlist of 'Panic!At The Disco'

Considering my mum didn't come home last night, I thought I'd enjoy myself a little and take over the kitchen.

Wearing just Adyms oversized shirt and nothing else, I danced around the kitchen, wiggling and spinning as I made the pancakes. Sliding across to the kettle, I press the button to allow it to boil and I grabbed two mugs from the top cabinet. I giggled to myself as I heard an up coming high note. Attempting it, I laughed loudly as I couldn't hear myself. Making two coffees and a pile of pancakes, I turn around and jump. Adym is just stood there in his black Calvins, leaning up against the door frame.

I pull my earphones out quickly and cleared my throat. "I- er made you some Pancakes and a coffee." I smile embarrassed. He looks over at the pancakes and back over at me.

"Why are you not wearing underwear ?" He asks, completely ignoring me.

Take a guess...

"I didn't feel like putting them on." I shrug, going over to the bar stool. He goes over to the opposite side of the island.

"You didn't feel like putting them on...?" He questions, raising an eyebrow. I nod, eating some of the top pancake.

"I didn't think I was that hungry till I saw your bottom half dance around the kitchen. And that high note... never attempt that again." He chuckles and comes over to my side of the island and stands behind my stool, placing his
hands on my shoulders.

I try to ignore his presence and continue to eat my pancakes. He runs his hands down from my shoulders to my breasts and cups them.

"Adym..." I whisper, turning around on the bar stool. I look to see his staring down at me. I bite my lip and grab his right hand with my left.

"'Sup baby?" He mumbles, putting his other hand on my inner thigh. I breath in sharply and lick my bottom lip.

"You know w-what you're doing, eat your pancakes." I stutter slightly, sitting up straight.

"Oh baby girl... I think you know I'd much rather eat something else." He growls lowly and also licks his bottom lip. His words effect me so much...

"What's in it for me?" I look up, placing my hand on his hand which is on my thigh, moving his hand up.

"You know what." He says sternly, picking me up and placing me on the island. Feeling myself getting wet, I open my legs so he's able to see.

"Is this what I do to you baby?" He smirks, pulling my top off, leaving me naked.

"Lie back." He commands. I do as I'm told and wait.

He bends down slightly so he's level with the island. Moving his head closer, he teases me by using the tip of his tongue to lick the slit. I moans quietly. Despite the quietness, it still filled the kitchen considering we were the only ones in there.


"You need to give in with you and your sexual needs... we are going to have a child. There will be no time for that." I explain, eating the warmed up pancakes and the warmed up coffee.

"There's nothing wrong with a little fun." He winks, doing the same.

"I understand that, but when the baby comes, you'll be on your toes 24/7, I promise you. Up all night with her crying and teething... it's not going to be easy babe." I look up at his as I finish my last bite.

"That's why I'm trying to make the most of the time we have left as young adults before I become a parent. Don't forget, I didn't want this. You did." He gestures over to me, sipping his coffee.

"I can't just magically make it-"

"Yes you can." He interrupts  me. I raised my eyebrow.

"Shall I just go and do that then, huh? Go and kill a little foetus who hasn't even been able to come into the fucking world and have a chance?" I say angrily, stands up and putting my plate and mug into the sink.

"I didn't say that did I? I was just saying if I did or didn't want the child, either way, you'd want to keep it. Am I right?" He replies, finishes his food and drink.

"Whatever Adym. I can't be bothered to discuss this AGAIN." I roll my eyes and place the washed dishes into the cupboards.

"Again? Babe, I'm j-"

"Do  you think it's someone else's?" I ask, turning on my heels.

"What? No. I didn't say that."

"Then why won't you just get it in your thick head that IM PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHILD."

"You know why. Because of Sawyer and A-"

"Oh!  So think I'm a slut like her?" I laugh loudly. "Adym, have you seen the state of her, I'm surprised she even pulled Sawyer. And Sawyers standards must be low if he goes off with girls who look like fucking light bulbs with the amount of highlight they wear.  Shitting hell Adym... I love you. I don't need anyone else. I don't want anyone else. I want you." I pause, shaking my head. I scoff a little and go back to the table and pick my phone up. Adym stays silent.

"Where are you going tonight?" I ask. Changing the topic.

"Somewhere." He replies. Standing up.

"Somewhere- Adym, where are you going tonight?" I ask again, raising my eyebrow.

"Somewhere. Just trust me. I'll be back for 11." He answers, pushing his dishes into the middle of the island and stands up, storming off.

I roll my eyes once again. "Childish Adym. Fucking childish. I ain't going to chase after you." I say loud enough for him to hear as he makes his way upstairs.


(Meh, I was bored. Ywwww.
Pretty shite. Sorry)

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