^Checked^ - Chapter Twenty Three

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Adyms POV


After seconds of deep thought, I pull away quickly and shake my head. "No." I repeat. She looks at me confused and starts to pull down my bottoms.

"Enough Chloe!" I shout and pull them back up. She jumps slightly and bites her lip.

"Blimey... I wonder what Abby will say." She giggles.

"Amy..." I correct her as she rolls her eyes.

"They are all the same." She redoes her buttons. "Either way, she's going to do the exact same as Ashley." She shrugs and looks at my stomach.

"I bet Ashley told you to do this didn't she?" I shake my head, grabbing my stuff.

"Oh no, she thinks I've gone to help my dad." She shrugs. "I just hope next time we can take it to the next level." She winks and unlocks the door. I open it and barge past her, walking straight to Mike.

"Your daughter is insane." I shake my head and shove my shirt on. He looks at me confused and looks at Chloe as she runs to us.

"He's messing around daddy." She giggles and grabs my arm. I get out of her grip and begin to walk out.

"I'll text you later Mike." I speak, walking out.

I walk home as it begins to rain. I shake my head repeatedly until I read home.

"Adym, you interview is in an hour. What took you so long?" My mum asks.

"Stuff." I mumble, goes to the bathroom. I close the door and decide to have the worlds fastest shower.


After getting dressed and putting all my work together, I walk downstairs to see a empty house. 


Walking out, I lock the door and begin to walk to the college. I put my earphones in and play my recommended Spotify play list.


"Could I listen to your music Adym?" The woman asks with her Scottish accent. I nod and hands her the drive. She puts it in the computer and listens to one of my song.

"Hmm, i think you could proceed with your music here." She says, reading the lyrics.

"What I must say is, instead of just talking about your sex life, talk about other things. Family, relationships. Because life isn't always about sex Adym." She nods. I sit back in confusion and just agree anyways.

Hears the lyrics: 'eating pussy cat food.' And closes her laptop instantly.

"If you want to get far Adym, you may have to not use lyrics like that..." she narrows her eyebrows and takes the sheet off my notepad and reads.

"This is more like it..." she nods and reads.

"Wha- no that's not a song. That's just-" I look at the her and take the sheet off her, ripping it in half. "Rubbish." I finish.

"You can't hide that Adym. That's a talent." She nods and smiles. Standing up, she leads me to the door and thanks me with a large smile.

"I'll email you later." She nods and closes the door.


"How did it go honey?" My mum asks as I walk through the door soaking wet.

"Brilliant." I roll my eyes and head straight upstairs. 

As soon as I enter the room, I slam the door shut and turn the lock. I head straight to the window and look at Amy's house, remembering when she sat there looking all tumblr.

Amy </3
Can I see you? X

Of course babe, mine? X

I swallow hard and press send. I shake my head slightly and sort myself out in the mirror.

Amy </3
I want to tell you about my dad... x

Why the sudden thought? I don't want you to tell me if you are not ready. X

Amy </3
I trust you Adym. I just want you to know already. I want to be able to talk to someone about him but my mam isn't helping. I just love you... x

I bite my lip roughly as I read the message. I sigh heavily and try to forget what happened earlier on today.

Come straight to my room. The doors unlocked. If my mum asks, say you're here for me. X

I place the phone down and flop back on my bed.

As I hear the front door slam, I get a message on my phone. Swiping, I read the message.

I hope you haven't said anything. You could have gotten me done... my life could turn upside down because of you!

I hear Amy come in the room and sit on the bed as I stand up and reply.

What? Your life?! My relationship could just crumble directly in front of me because of you!! You started it. I just needed to shut you up. You clearly didn't stop... you attempted to pull my trousers down you bitch!

I groan and throw my phone on the bed and watch it bounce from the bottom of the bed to the pillow. Amy narrows her eyebrows at me and I shake my head.

"I didn't get the place in the college." I lie, sitting next to her.

"Oh, sorry." She shakes her head and takes her shoes off, sitting back on my bed. "What's up with Sawyer?" She asks.

I shrug slightly and turn away from her, "He told me he got in a fight and that's it." I say.

"Normal, what is it with your family and fights?" She asks laughing.

"There's someone you haven't met..." I mumble and sit next to her.

"Who?" She asks.

"William, he's erm my uncle." I nod and pull her between my legs.

"What does that have to do with fights?" She giggles and leans back.

I shake my head and hold her hands, "Tell me about your dad." I whisper and kiss her neck multiple times. She bites her lip and turns to me.

"He was murdered." She says with no hesitation. She looks me directly in the eyes and I could see some form of liquid about to escape her eye.

I squeeze her hands and kiss them. "Do you know who did it?" I ask.

She nods, "I don't remember the name, but he's in prison." She bites her lip and looks at our hands. I sigh and kiss her head.

"What was he like?" I ask out of curiosity.


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