First Mark

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Nature explodes around the gathering while everyone takes cover from the oncoming rain. My father is standing stoic looking at the treeline where Odin disappeared from sight. Uncle Grey is standing shoulder to shoulder with him while they share quiet words together that I can't hear.

The campfires are disappearing in wisps of smoke as the rain comes hissing them away.

My mother and Aunt Meela are speaking with the Far North Luna in unhappy faces while the Alpha of the Far North bores critical eyes into me. His darkness spreads across his face displacing any softness he holds.

I have never been looked at that way before with so much anger, hatred, and disgust.

The Luna of the Far North opening the truck door to grab a package before coming to stand in front of me. My mother on her heels is not letting her get too close, out of striking range.

"Charlie." Sadness graces her beautiful smile. Her skirt no longer blowing in the wind because it's soaking wet sticking to her legs.

"This must be a very overwhelming beginning for you. I apologize for that." She gets on one knee in front of me. "It's an honor and privilege to welcome you into my family. You are my daughter now, no different than my flesh and blood." A truck door is slamming hard in the background that makes me jump slightly.

"Bessa, come here now!" She doesn't even flinch with the voice that is greater than the thunder claps. The Alpha's nostrils are flaring, eyebrows furrowed down, dilating veins running along his temple lines standing out in pulsing rage.

"Look at me, Charlie." Angling her head, so all I see is her kind eyes. "I'm going to handle him." She opens up her arms up to me, looking up at my mother she gives me a tiny nod of her head. Tentatively with caution, I walk into them.

She holds me against her body, hand in my hair, with her cheek pressed against mine.

"You're so young, too young for this." Her thumb gliding down the right side of my face. Looking at her cheek, she bares the scars of two thin lines that are old and faded with time. My grandmother's saying that every Far North mated female will always bare a line on their face, from the corner of the right eye down to the jawline. It tells all other packs which they belong to and not to touch what isn't theirs. Only the Luna gets two lines, and every young female from the Far North pack wishes to bear those two lines.

It's the greatest honor coming from the moon herself.

"Bessa!" Her back stiffening from his harshness.

"Do you need protection?" My mother's quickly at her side, while the Luna stands up.

"I think you have it all wrong Victoria, he's the one that's going to need protection, and you're not strong enough to provide him with safety he will need." Her voice a deadly threat of sound that barely rises above the rain falling from the sky.

"This is from Elska; she wanted me to give it to you." Looking at the package that's getting wet from the rain only remembering my package for her that's still in the house.

"Wait I have something for her too." Running inside it's right at the door where I left it. It's been our thing to exchange presents everytime the Far North come for the exchange since I gave her my friendship bracelet a few years ago.

Putting her package down, now running with mine to the Luna of the Far North. I made her homemade perfume oil from white lily petals that have been infused with vanilla. Lana even said it was one of the most beautiful smells she has ever smelled that I created. I think I didn't stop smiling for days after she said that to me because of that compliment.

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