The Moon

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This is some artwork that is just beautiful..thank you, Natasha, for making's a perfect. Also, there are other drawings of Elska that you can check out if you want to join Rachelle's Books. It's a private Facebook group where all the books are discussed.




Aunt Meela's violence turns on my father, who stands in his spot facing her judgment. There is a stench to Aunt Meela's silence as she regards my father in foulness.

Blood drips lazily down my dad's chest, his body battered and bruised. Gouges that haven't healed from his fight with Odin has been torn open to bleed again.

He looks tired to me, which is surprising because my dad never gets tired.

"Why?" Aunt Meela flings the words to him, more of a sickening cry.

"He wouldn't concede." Dad's voice is stern, hard, the Alpha in him answering the question.

"He had no choice, Meela." Uncle Grey's shoulder is dragged down by the weight of his arm. He's also bloody and bruised but his eyes look as if they only hold pain for Aunt Meela's loss, he has no concern with his physical pain. The youngest of her pups have scurried up around my mother's neck with his head buried in her throat, crying softly. My mom has her hands on both their backs rocking them in her arms.

Luki rushes himself forward to cradle Bryon's cooling body in his arms. The big male makes no sound; he doesn't have to, we all understand what this is doing to him.

"We will bury him with my parents." Aunt Meela is looking at Luki who is shaking apart.

"No, he's my mate, I will send him up to the Moon myself. That's my right, and I will have my right on this." Luki speaks to Aunt Meela as if she has no rights to her brother that he holds all the rights because they are mates.

"But he's my brother." Aunt Meela tries to look at him in the eyes, but Luki is only looking into the dead eyes of his mate.

"I don't care, he's my mate, and I will traditionally honor him." Luki's tone harbors a darkening edge of sound. Borson stands up, going to his brother where his hand falls on his shoulder. When Borson bends down, he presses his cheek against Luki's whispering in his ear. When Luki rises picking up Bryon whose limbs are dangling limply at his side. Luki starts to walk away in the direction of the Far North. Borson blocks the view with his body from our family.

"Luki, stop." Aunt Meela tries to take a step forward, but Uncle Grey scoops her up in one arm, "that's his mate, he has the rights to his body, not you." Uncle Grey's words are whispered except I can hear what he's saying. My father comes to stand beside my mother who passes one of the pups to my dad. He holds him close to his neck, soothing the males back who is hiccupping their cries now.

Looking at Shamus his face is red, and his eyes shine with tears that are brimming, my tears are sliding quickly down without restraint. When Shamus turns to go towards Lana's cottage door, Warson is standing in front of it, proud and puffed up. His eyes hold malice, while his teeth are bared in his War. A silver knife held securely in one hand, then placed in his other hand, showing off his skills. Shamus takes a step to the right, Warson matches his step, Shamus takes a step left, Warson moves the same way.

A sentinel is protecting the fortress from the intruder, that is his mother's mate.

Odin marches towards Warson, now two sentinels stand stoically in front of the closed door that houses a wolf lost inside herself.

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