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Impression of power

The glare of the early afternoon light has me squinting from the sun's might.

Two gathered forces on opposite ends of the territory lines. It's my father who steps forward first onto their claimed land with a malignant growling snarl that rushes out of his throat and vibrates the air. The crows watching shake their feathers out before tucking wings back into their bodies to look like black robes their wearing.

This first act of posturing causes the ridge of fur to raise along the spine of the wolves, who are in fighting form on either side of the lines.

The juveniles of either pack are in the back, all to watch but not to fight unless it's the last resort. It's the last option and it's expected to go to the death. They are the last defense to an intruding pack that is seeking elimination of all females and pups.

The Alpha answering my father's voice with his own vigilant snarl. Mom standing up straighter, bristling out her own deep vibrating warning to all that this will have consequences if a fight is to come from this meeting.

"Your mate matches you perfectly, Finian." His words are spoken strongly with force. My mother has her hand on the back of my father, stroking down his raising fur.

"Don't." Her voice low in his ear, "it's alright let him talk." Yet, my father takes a step in his direction, a low warning growl vibrating in the air. Mom's hand now grips his bicep hard, nails digging into flesh, little drops of blood falling on the grass. I can see the look on the Alpha's face, it's arrogant thinking my father won't attack him on his own land, surrounded by his own pack.

His Luna holding silver in her hands, balancing the blades as if they are an extension of her fingers. A master of silver, her eyes never leaving my mother's body. It's expected Luna's square off with Luna's except my mother is no Luna, she's Alpha born, not Luna made.

"Why did you bring that abomination to my land?" His long finger pointing towards me, I have to look around to see if it's me he's actually talking about. The pack behind start to vibrate low toned growls out.

Fingers of my mother let my father go, permission granted.

Instantly my father's war hurtles towards the Alpha, who shifts into his own terrifying fighting form. Uncle Grey leaping towards the Beta, my mother squaring off with the Luna, who now is taking aim at her throat.

Hands on me, pulling me away from the rushing bodies of fur that are now surging forward to the line of wolves. A wall of teeth crashing with a wall of teeth.

We constantly practice fake battles, but to witness the real thing makes the instinct of fear kick in. War sounds coming from all directions.

The Luna takes the first throw which grazes my mom's shoulder. Mom doesn't shift, she walks towards the Luna in complete command of her body. There is no shaking, no outward sign that my mother is frightened, but the Luna's hands start to tremble when my mother's war volume starts to growl out. So ferocious is the sound that the wolves in her radius for a moment flinch their shoulders down.

Dad and the Alpha's wolves are violently attacking one another, tremendous snarling of the two fur forms ripping, tearing into one another. Bodies crashing together with blood spraying the area, Dad's teeth tearing into the shoulder tendon, just like we always practice, severing the movement of that leg. It's just a matter of finishing him off now.

Uncle Grey's wolf so massive against the Beta of that pack, it is no match. It's quick disposal of the enemy who stood no chance against him. Within seconds, the Beta's last breath is wheezed out of a torn-out throat, his life spilling out. Uncle Grey's muzzle dripping in blood as it turns its sights on the next wolf brave enough to think he's more than his wolf.

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