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Milking the Thistle into the small glass jar, one after another until a few spoonfuls are rendered. The prickle of fine pickers causes my fingertips to become irritated.

Most wolves hate the Thistle finding it an eye sore in their gardens always weeding it out but to me, it's a plant that holds virtue for the wicked to suffer.

Walking back to the house the warm sunlight is starting to slowly smolder into the new day, as the sweet taste of the green forest tickles my face on the breath of the breeze.

A giant pitcher of ice tea sits already made by my Aunt Sophie in the back of the fridge. The destructo twins favorite drink after a good workout on a heating summer day like today. Those twins thought I just forgot about the massacre of Fred the first, my rabbit, my pet, my friend. They thought that since I didn't react right away, they were safe to eat Fred the second.

Wrong, I have been waiting, plotting and planning retribution day. Waiting for them to drop their guard. They've been cautious only eating from what their mother has made them or eating what they have made or caught themselves.

Giggling with a little dance around the kitchen it's hard to hide my excitement of months of planning. Ice cubes are bobbing on the surface. Lemons cut thinly stirred into the liquid.

The Thistle milk added with generous amounts of sugar to hide the tartness. Needing gloves to hide any trace of my scent while handling the pitcher is needed now that those males have shifted, they can smell my trail anywhere. Putting the pitcher in the back of the fridge as if it never was tampered with.

Once they drink one glass each I'm going to pour the rest out and then have a good long talk with them about eating things that have owners.

It's not a long wait for them to come barging in all sweaty. Reaching in the fridge, they get the ice tea out. It's with great desperation I try to hide my glee. I have to put my head down and concentrate on my work, only a few pages left before my first journal is complete.

Lana, the healer, said that she has over ten journals, all filled with the plants she knows.

Shamus is walking in, his pants are just a little too short for him, just an inch away from his ankles. His face has a smudge of chocolate ice cream on the side. The twins start laughing at him.

"Hey backup, your face is dirty." Keegan is throwing him a towel right at his face. Shamus catches it easily before it hits him. "

"Stop calling me that." He wipes his face and throws it right back at Keegan as hard as he can.

"Why don't you like your name it's the truth? You're our backup. The next Alpha because Charlie is going to be the Luna of the Far North, so that leaves you! Why do you think they are starting to have you train with Charlie? You're the backup plan just in case things don't go the way they want." Keegan is thinking he knows everything about the pack, which bugs me, the know it all.

"I'm not going to be the Luna of the Far North." Both twins are looking at me while Keegan pours two glasses one for his brother, one for him.

"Baby Wolf wants to be a healer when she grows up." Keegan's pretend baby voice rakes along my spine, I hate the sound of it.

Contemplate allowing them to have two glasses, but I can't do that to them, the one glass will have them thinking they are going to die already.

Odin had two cookies; he must have felt like his world was ending out his ass if only I could have been there to see it.

Shamus is going to get a glass, but Paley shoves him away from what they are drinking. They don't share with anyone but themselves or the little pups. Shamus to them isn't little anymore, but they treat me like I'm just out of diapers.

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