The Talk

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A world of words builds on the profound silence that's escalating to an unmanageable level within the walls of the cottage.

Two minutes go by this way. Shamus and me sneaking a quick peripheral glance at one another while sitting on the bed that we have been herded to without so much as a sound uttered.

Mom and Uncle Grey pull the chairs from the table bringing them towards us. Together they sit down side by side while Dad takes a position on Uncle Grey's left, Aunt Meela stands to the side quiet but watching the Three.

"When I was younger, I never wanted to become the Alpha of the Northern Pack, there was too much pressure, too much responsibility. I doubted my Nature. There was an invitation from Victoria's father to train with the Eastern pack when Grey and I were just still juveniles. I refused to go, instead Grey went in my place." Dad's voice holds a solemn regret as he takes a step away from the two sitting in the chair.

Mom's shoulders are back, head high. Uncle Grey has the same posture.

The corners of the dwelling shadow as a cloud passes across the sun to darken Uncle Grey's and Mom's face briefly before that cloud moves letting the light back into the room.

Eyes meeting ours.

"The very minute I met Victoria I was drawn to her. My body responded to her as one does towards a mate. Her presence did things to me that I was confused about. My wolf knew she wasn't ours but it didn't stop me from seeking her out every opportunity I had." Uncle Grey's voice holds a tone of deepening melancholy

Emotions flow from everyone inside the room, Mom's jaw starts to tremble in the fierce hold she has on it. Her eyes shine with rapid blinking that's unable to stop the singular tear from escaping out to fall from her jaw to land on her shirt.

A breath in her voice resonates outwards. "Grey came to my pack when I needed him the most. Things were very challenging for me there. When Grey and I meet for the first time, he affected me as if he was my mate. I thought he could be my mate. My wolf understood he wasn't ours, that didn't stop me from seeking out his company every chance I got."

Shamus sitting beside me straightening up, his shoulders are back along with mine because it's coming. The layers and layers of their history are peeling back from the beginning.

"We became friends." Uncle Grey's voice brushes towards my mother who shakes her head in agreement with his words.

"I don't want to hear anymore," Shamus rising from the bed, looking at his mother with pity.

"Sit down." Uncle Grey's voice holds a sharp edge to it.

Shamus sits back down, not happy. I can feel it sitting beside him, he's bristling up, looking towards his mother, who's entire focus is on the two sitting before us.

"We started to grow closer than friends." Mom's voice angled towards Dad but her voice carries to my ears.

"Grey became more to me, he was someone I could be myself, my true self without fearing ridicule, persecution. He let me be who I inside, he made me feel loved, feel so special-" She closes her eyes, tears breach those tight lids, falling down one by one. A deep breath in, another hard breath pulled into lungs that don't seem to want to breathe.

"We started to fall in love, I would call Fin and tell him about this female named Victoria that I met. Telling him how drawn I was to her, I left no detail out about our relationship, not knowing that Victoria was my brother's mate. My wolf knew, but I refused to listen." Uncle Grey's eyes on Dad, who is looking on in understanding, my father is always so patient with his understanding when it comes to his family. This must be heartbreaking for Dad and Aunt Meela to have to listen to this.

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