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"Shamus stop stepping on my toes." It's beginning to hurt.

"Well if you let me lead maybe I wouldn't step on your big feet." His annoyance at the whole situation is felt by me also.

"You need to believe you can lead a female Shamus, pretend she's a female. Charlie, you need to try and relax in his grip. He can't lead you if you don't allow yourself to be led." Aunt Meela's voice is giving us harsh criticism of our movement.

Frustration is breathing out; I can feel myself becoming upset at this. I can't be taught this.

My mother is tapping me on the shoulder as she lets Shamus take her hand.

"Shamus try with me." I can see how my mother makes her body boneless so Shamus effortlessly leads her in the dance, now with no toes being stepped on.

"See Charlie, all you need to do is relax in his grip." Aunt Meela has her hands on my shoulders.

"It's not easy." Huffing the exhaled words out.

"Somehow you're going to need to find a happy medium. Because a male always will want his female to follow him in a dance." Aunt Meela is looking towards Odin who's been watching, deliberately he stretches himself, even yawning slightly out of boredom.

Taking my hands in her's, "let me show you, Charlie." Her hips start to sway back and forth, gliding effortlessly.

"Do what I do," Her voice firm, yet caring. She puts my hands on her hips, "do what I do."

Imitation of movement,

Ebb, flow of the slow beat has both of us moving our bodies to the music, gradually Aunt Meela guiding my footsteps as I pay attention to her. Now her shoulders are moving with hips that seem effortlessly controlled. Before long she has me moving along the floor in a smooth gliding grace.

Footsteps are matching the pulse of the vibration of melody. Glancing in Odin direction he's no longer the bored male who's come to watch our practice. I'm not sure he was expecting dance lessons this time. He's always watching our play fighting or the art of knives but never has he witnessed this.

It was my mother and Aunt Meela's idea once they saw he was here and watching. To change up the atmosphere, they said. The more we dance together, the more the atmosphere does change into a more electrified place.

The static of his mood disturbs the current of air.

Fine arm hairs are starting to tickle my skin on how they are leaning Odin's way when Aunt Meela brings us closer to him. When she fades our steps away, a fine grumble of sound percusses out in a low tone from his chest. When she brings us closer to him this time she leans me into him, so he has to take a step back, then she pulls me back so that outstretching hand of his can't touch me.

Coiled steel

Odin's body is ready to spring at any moment; it's a leery feeling to be watched with that much intensity. A current of heat travels the length of my nerve ending until it settles deep into the root, honing a divine vibration of overwhelming desire.

His total presence consumes me on the same level as my plants; it's a challenge to try to remain unaffected by him.

"No looking at him, until the last word I say is Charlie." Aunt Meela's words just a hint of sound as we are on the other side of the room. A nod in understanding. Our progression towards him is slow; she's keeping my back to him, my movements matching her's in complete unison. The heat trail on my backside ignites deep understanding that Odin is watching the sway of me. Another deepening sound from the base of him is a sound I'm coming to realize is want.

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