Path Maker

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Ancient greens rimmed with blood devour into the layering of my skin. 

"Odin, what does the pack sacrifice for you?" The sight of him falters. His mouth opens to say something, but no words come out. A furrowed line etches into his forehead, the hinges of his jaw shifts as he clamps his molars down. 

Now it's his turn for that silence that digs into your spine as each passing second rolls into the next without being able to say anything. 

Churning, drowning emotions of confliction are hammering the inside of Odin.

He doesn't stumble backward, but he does feel the words hitting his center. 

Once again those eyes pin me, hold me hostage with an undeniable force of his Nature.

"Tell me, Odin, what does your pack sacrifice for you?" A step is taken into my radius - devouring my lengthening shadow as the sun starts to dip in the evening sky. 

"They allow me to have you, that's their sacrifice to me." What he just said he believes.

Now it's my turn for a moment of silence while Odin's fingertips slide down the plain of my skin, causing a flexing roll of the muscles in my bicep. 

"If they wouldn't allow you to have me, what would you do?" My words brush against his ear because his lips are pressed against my neck. The musculature of him is also shifting underneath my open palm that rests along his shoulder blade. 

"Then we would have a problem, wouldn't we?" His words are hard, yet his tongue is soft tasting the scent on my neck. 

A breathless shudder.

Whispering heat trails across the collarbone, down my sternum to rest in the deepness of my belly.  

"What kind of problem?" Needing to know what he would do.

"I wouldn't have a pack would I?" He nips sharp teeth against the skin, before pulling my wrist up to his mouth, kissing the pulse of me. When he lets go of my wrist, I let it drop at my side. Odin steps away because there is a burn within him - so consuming I can feel it flushing my skin.

"What will I sacrifice to you, Odin?" Straightening his shoulders, he stands to his full completed height. 

"I'm going to demonstrate what will happen, so you have a clear understanding of what is expected of us." Odin steps within the radius of my shadow. The sun is lowering itself in the sky. A hand placed on my hip; his legs sweep my feet from underneath.

A startle of reflexes.

 There is no danger of falling, Odin has me in his arms. With a deliberate gentleness, he lays me down on the rock - the stone is cold while my surface is warming up with the way Odin regards me on his knees.

A thumb on my jawline, his index finger rests on the opposite side, he turns my head to face the unfinished stone carving. 

Scorching desire consumes him on such a primitive uncontrollable level. 

Canines are descending when he looks at my neck.

"This is what will happen underneath the Full Moon." Viper strike, teeth on my neck, exactly where the mark of him will hold. He doesn't break through flesh, at the same time, he positions himself over top of me. 

He hovers over me.

With a liquid flow of boneless movement, he flips me over, gripping my sides. I'm on hands and knees; he's on his knees behind me. 

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