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Internal discord

Feeling as if a strong wind is billowing inside our house causing such a disturbance that everything is in an uproar with the force of what has been said.

The growls from the twins' throats are ebbing down, dwindling in the tone of its harassment of their father only to rush right back up in its malicious intent to do great harm.

"What did you do to our mother?" Keegan is taking his stiff leg stance against the much bigger male.

Paley is shifting from foot to foot, watching Uncle Thomas, his face contouring into his wild.

Eyes flashing, bodies puffing themselves up as much as thirteen-year-old wolves can. Respect dwindling as the tic toc minutes go by.




Their posturing intent to move forward with a violent threat.

The silhouettes of father and sons collide both with tears in their eyes. Two bodies are flowing together as if one mind is commanding the twins. That's their fighting style. One twin takes the point the other circles finding the opening. They stand no chance against Uncle Thomas, but for their mother's honor, they continue in their forward motion of hurt.

We watch

Both their bodies try to get the upper hand on their father, no hope of winning. These twins always can win an argument with other juveniles having acquired a reputation for their wickedness among the wolves. If there is fighting, they are always in the middle of it. Back to back with bloody lips and scraped up knuckles. Fighting and squabbling are what they live for, walking around the school as if they are the kings because no one there can beat them anymore.

Their infectious mischief brings a smile to my mother's face while she turns each of their heads this way and that way inspecting their healing bruised skin. "Did you teach them a lesson on who you are." She likes to lean between them whispering in their ears smiling. "We did." Paley always the one to answer back with a deep growling voice that sometimes cracks mid-word which brings kisses and laughter down on them. They pretend to be too old for that, but they still stand there and allow my mom to paw them in her affectionate love of nephews who have earned their title of the destructo twins.

"Stop it." Aunt Sophie's voice is ringing high above the boy's menacing language of growls and snaps of teeth; fur now starts to replace skin. The males want to right what has been wronged by the sins of their father.

Uncle Thomas grabbing them by the scruff of their necks while they continue to try and rage their war on him, teeth trying for thighs and arms. I have never witnessed this basic kind of wild before where humanity leaves and the wolf stays locked into a commitment to fight tooth and claw.

"It was a long time ago boys; your mother has forgiven me for that. I'm going to explain it all to you once you calm down." Uncle Thomas voice sounding of his pain but he still easily handles them, a hard pinch to their ears brings the wolves to heel. Ears flattening on heads, shoulders crouched down, Keegan almost going belly up but Paley just eyes his father, taking his pain quietly.

Looking around the kitchen that has some chairs toppled over, morning breakfast unfinished, mom putting a hand on my shoulder because I can't stop from crying. Pressing the side of my face into her warm body, her heartbeat is pounding against the inside of her chest. Somehow this is all my fault if he wasn't my mate then this wouldn't have happened, we would be eating breakfast together, we would be laughing and talking like we always did.

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