Long Walk (Part Two)

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That is my father's tone towards Odin.

It only takes my Dad a few strides to clear the distance in the deepening snow. There is no cringing or crouching of shoulders between the two of them. Odin's standing to his full completed height demonstrating that he is to be taken into great consideration by the Alpha's approach.

Stances stiffening, the posturing towards one another so effective, littering the visual evidence that their teeth will not be idle today.

The ascension of Alpha Male instinct is leeching outwards from their pores so toxic in intentions that even with Nature's violence being hurtled at them in the form of ice and snow you can still smell the testosterone pungent scent in the freezing air. 

Odin's Nature has risen within the form of his skin. There are no pupils competing with irises of ancient forest green; there is just a solid black that has taken over all the color of his eyes. Odin's head is shaved on both sides, that showcase ancient green and blue symbols interwoven together where you can't decipher where the picture starts or where it ends. 

Mom's hand on my shoulder, Uncle Grey taking a step outside has my father shaking his head no at him. Odin lifts his thick fur jacket away and off his body, nothing is underneath but a bare chest that holds no more original colored skin. Every square inch of space has been claimed. 

Dad's eyes are pits of black, void of any color, his surging Wild gladly rising to take control of the skin side. Posturing of intent, flash of fangs showcasing his War within. Odin takes no step back, locking his place securely, posturing intent he will not be moved backward this time. The only option is forward through my father's wall towards me. 

Both Alpha males locking on each other's eyes, no looking away from the other, statements directed at each other through visual clues of warning that this fight will go to the death. 

There can only be one Alpha. 

My mother takes a forward step into the snow, "Mother Wolf, step back. I have no fight for you." Odin's words hurtle above the wind, yet my mom pays no mind to them another insistent step towards Odin whose claws have replaced fingers.

"Charlie has not consented to leave with you. She is still my daughter who has choices."

"You know what your female will be, and so do I. This is how it needs to be." Odin for a fraction of a second removes his eyes from my father who doesn't go for his throat. My father is not opportunistic he allows Odin that moment to focus off of the fight towards my mother. 

Odin's eyes fall back towards my father's eyes. Neither male will look away, so focused in intentions that I'm not sure if they notice the surrounding any longer. The cold has no effect on skin that is reddening and freezing. 

"Charlie." Mom's hand being held out to mine. Taking it, I step forward into the storm. 

Deep breath

Throat tightening

Heartrate thumping inside a chest that is rattled. 


Turning behind me, my family all there. Shamus, Paley, Keegan Aunt Meela, Uncle Grey, the rest of their pups. 

My den family.

Another heavy intake of breath, a burn in the back of my throat that has a lump rising inside of it. Mom and Dad are willing to die for me today. Odin standing against everything for me, for his half.  

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