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Chocolate chip cookies that are baked golden brown are cooling on the wire rack draws the attention of my cousins who all pile into the kitchen expecting a share of something I just made.

The three special ones have been put on a plate labeled with my name on it not to touch. They have been mixed with thistle milk, whoever eats this will think they are going to die for a few hours, explosive diarrhea and vomiting until nothing is left in their system. I have seen Lana our healer use this on wolves which she deemed deserving.

Keegan and Paley taking most of the cookies for themselves, all they do is eat all day long even waking up in the middle of the night sometimes to eat.

Their bodies are needing more food with their wolves now within them. Sometimes, they fight one another for the last piece of food on a platter.

Squabbling so bad that when they are trying to gain dominance over the other, I'll sneak in and eat the last piece in front of them laughing, making a good show of chewing with my mouth open, before swallowing it all down.

"Hey, save some for everyone else." Taking the plate away from them, bending down giving them to the little ones who can't reach the plate, yet.

Shamus is taking a share for himself eating two at one time.

"I'm going for a walk." Collecting my special cookies, putting them into my satchel.

Hopefully, I'll have a visitor this time. It's been several weeks since I saw Odin, the weather was still warm, now it's become chilled, the puddles on the ground hold a thin layer of ice before the sun melts it away by afternoon.

"We have to go with you." Keegan is saying this while shoving the last cookie in his mouth.

My dad told my mom about me out wandering further than I should, and she had a strong talk with my cousins to keep an eye out for me. They take their job seriously because my mom asked them to do it for her, as a special favour.

Paley is the one to always reply back to her that she count on them. He's such a suck up it kills me from the inside out.

"I'm not going very far." Shoving Paley's chest away when he tries to go out the door.

"We're coming." Keegan is saying this while taking Paley's place in front of him.

"Can I just have some privacy for a few hours?" Stamping my words out, so they understand I'm serious.

Paley coming closer, his eyes flashing slightly blacker, he hates being pushed, so I push him again which makes him rumble from within.

I know all the big buttons to push, and I try my best to push them as hard as I can every single day, day after day...push...push...push. It drives him to a certain madness at times.

Paley lunges, tackling me out the back door, the both of us rolling around on the cold ground that hasn't frozen yet.

Legs are trying to go around the other's trying to gain the upper ground, my chest making its noise to try to match what's coming out of Paley's chest.

He gets close to my ear trying to pin my shoulders to the ground, "you are nothing but a baby wolf who needs babysitters." That remark is going to earn him some bathroom time. It will be him and the toilet seat getting nice and cozy.

"I'm not a baby wolf." Flinging him off my body before re-grouping to my feet.

We begin our stalking of one another's movement's, slapping at each other's hands. A surprised shriek comes out of my mouth when my body is lifted up and over a shoulder of Keegan who starts to twirl me round and round.

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