Nature Of Teeth

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The Wild bloated on power from the very core of Nature herself has no intention of letting the throat of life go from this wolf who has created this moment.

The Alpha has submitted to the Nature of my Wild.

There can only be One.

Sound rushing up through the Wild's throat percusses into the body of the bleeding male wolf who is now belly-up in an apologetic pose.

She doesn't accept his apologies instead she presses her War of teeth deeper into the neck that holds his life.

The tall trees start to sway in the coming wind that brings a legion of crows trying to perch down on heavily burden limbs of the forest.

Caws screaming up to the sky almost smothers out the sound of the leaves rustling against the other as if Nature is clapping her hands together.

There is no moving from her spot, she just holds him down by the neck growling her Terror out.

Odin comes forward slowly, carefully.

The Wild's nose pulls back revealing an arsenal that is buried deep into his father's neck. Odin's body is straightening out, shoulders are pulling back, head straight.

Ancient forest greens lock into the eyes of the Wild, they hold his taunting dominance that bristles the ridge fur on her spine upwards. She starts to puff herself up to him, getting bigger, slowly loosening her War of teeth from a throat of life.

He starts to posture himself to her which she takes all his blatant actions into deep consideration.

Even with bare feet, Odin is able to make his sound heard deep within the ground - causing little ripples of vibration to travel into the padded paws of the Wild. She is offended by the tone he's using with her.

There can only be One.

A hierarchy of Nature surges itself within her as she takes the leap towards him, all but forgetting the wolf lying in a pool of blood underneath her.

Her momentum propels her forward at the last minute all Odin does is shift his left hip, so just her fur touches him, not teeth. So great is her forward motion she slams into a slender Pine tree causing it to moan a deep crack out.

He's closer to his father, bloody footprints litter the ground around Odin's Alpha, not ours.

Odin's keep an eye on her while feeling his father's neck with his fingertip. His pulse of life still beats, thready but still there. A relief sighs out of eyes that now hold all the Wild into his consideration. He doesn't bow to her, instead, he flashes his fangs to her.

He's taking steps away from the body that's not moving.

She tracks him while bloating on the power Nature is providing. Gluttonous swallows of pure energy from the core of the World. Nature's force is surging, humming and propelling her forward to achieve what she understands herself to be, Alpha.

Odin starts to balance on the balls of his feet, he looks determined to meet my Wild tooth and claw in his skin form. He gives her a wide smile with all his teeth showing is the rudest manner possible.

Taunting her, teasing her, compelling her to act.

"Show me who you are!" Odin's sound shaking the feathers of the crows looking down on the spectacle. The wind howling through the trees, the sky darkens with the clouds that have gathered, blocking the sun out, creating a darkness that I haven't seen since it turned to summer.

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