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Escalating thoughts are ascending themselves around the radius of us.

Leaves rustle a disturbance the wind is starting to blow in.

"How do I beat you, Odin?" The question is not simplistic to me.

Hierarchy at its finest, there can ever only be One true Alpha.

"You make me bend to you?" Odin's answer filters easily from his lips.

"I don't want to hurt you, Odin. You're my half?" When the last words leave my mouth, he falters as if the world just swayed underneath his feet.  His cheeks hold a spike of blush before it fades away quickly.

"It's only pain, Charlie." A hand is placed on my shoulder, that slides nails down my arm. He weaves our fingers together before bringing my wrist to his lips.

Skin against skin

Bounding pulse surges through engorging blood vessels. Darkening pupils consuming the color of the forest before he smiles against my skin - the only way he knows how to do.

"Let's make the most of your visit here. I'm sure your parents are waiting for you" He's right, my parents are probably waiting for me to come inside.

Looking towards Shamus, he's watching the dust trail of the trucks settle down against the surface of the road. His grief wears on his facial features that aren't hidden.

There are males that are coming out from the edge of the forest, young males in their transition from juvenile to full adult male.

When looking at them, they look back without a filter. Which makes me feel exposed by their greedy gaze. The Far North males never loitered their vision on my skin, Odin has set a standard for all to be wary of.

Some openly hold deliberate want in their eyes; I'm still the same as when I left, what's changed? They haven't acted this way before.

The Wild within Odin surges its sound.




Tension and flexion of shifting tendons on bone. Birds take flight with the Wild's vocabulary that moves the current of air around us. Odin's natural sound spreads itself violently into the bodies of the males that are blown down in a forgiveness, submission stance. Soft parts of their necks are showcasing their apologies.

The Wild within Odin seems to want no apologies.

A shifting jaw is protruding, the cocoon of skin starting to break. Internally Odin's fight is of a full magnitude war; the Wild's will ascending, his will weakening underneath her full strength of ownership. This is what I feel from him, our connection making me understand the great hardship he goes through to keep the Nature of him from tearing away the throat of every male.

Everything stops. His violence is without restraint, without hesitation.

Primitive vision, primary thoughts of a male wanting to keep his half to himself.

With a blink, ancient forest greens are replaced by the dilating, engorging blackness of his pupils.

His vision has just blown out.

The males start to back up slowly at the advanced approach of Odin; he's trying to stay upright on shifting legs. A whine from some going belly up in the form of self-preservation. With a hand, Odin reaches the first male. A neck is snapped so quickly by Odin it seems as if these next-generation warriors are without training.

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