Chapter 1: Savior

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Chapter 1: Savior

*Riley's POV*

I glanced at the clock next to my bed and groaned: only 10:00 one more hour to be attacked either verbally or physically by someone. I pushed my black over blonde hair from my eyes going back to my sketch.

"What is this?" My step mom barged into my room. Here we go. I glanced up to see what she was yelling about, it was my new Black Veil Brides shirt. I normally kept it hidden so stuff like this wouldn't start so they must have tossed my room.

"It's a band t" I answered going back to my drawing of Jinxx.

"I've told you I don't approve of them where is your respect for our household? You see this is why I don't let you out of the house. I turn my back for one second and you come back with dyed hair and piercings."

All I'd been hearing was "blah blah I can't control you blah blah" The last part at least was true the last time I had been let out of the house I got my friend to dye my hair and I got my cartilage pierced.

"Get out of my room." I stood crossing my arms. A look of anger crossed her face

"What did you just say to me?"

"I said get the hell out of my room" I shoved her backwards out the door slamming it in her face. I pushed my desk on front of the door as she started banging on it.

" You let me in there right now you little bitch"

I'd had enough of this, I opened my closet pulling  out my backpack dumping its contents onto the floor and going around my room grabbing the few things I actually wanted to take with me. I threw in a change of clothes a small bag of bathroom items I kept hidden in my room, my emergency cash, and my iPhone. I changed into black jeans grabbed my leather jacket, and laced up my combat boots standing just as the door flew open. My dad and step mom stood there flushed with anger.

"What's wrong with you?" my step mom pushed into my room "what have we ever done to you? You're ruining everything."

"Besides the abuse and lack of freedom everything's just great" I retorted coldly.

She stormed across my room slapping me across the face in rage "GET OUT! GET OUT IF ITS SO AWFUL HERE FIND A NEW HOME".

"I was just leaving" I winced my the whole side of my face was burning " and I'll be having my shirt back" I yanked my BVB shirt from her hands pulling it on over my tank top before throwing my jacket on I grabbed my sketchbook and notebook clipping a few pens pencils and markers to the front pushing out of my room. I  grabbed my box of blades and the bracelets I used to cover my scars in summer from my bathroom drawer adding them to my backpack.

"You'll be crawling back by morning" you've got no one who loves you to go to"

I looked up the stairs from the front doorway and saw my dad and sister standing there

" I will figure something out admittedly I have pushed everyone away and yes with your help I've become very isolated. However mark this, I'm never coming back. Thank you for the love and support dad. " I walked out the door slamming it behind me and grabbing the key from under the mat tucking it into my backpack as I started down the darkening street. I plugged my earbuds into my phone shuffling my BVB playlist it started up with Knives and Pens as I put the rest of my things in my backpack.

I walked the seven blocks to the city at a brisk pace stoping at a 24 hour Starbucks, I went in out of the cold straight to the bathroom in the back. Locking myself in I rummaged through my backpack till I found what I was looking for the box with my blades and bracelets.

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