Chapter 10: Just For Fun

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Chapter 10: Just For Fun

*Riley's POV*

"Come on Riles lets go" Andy called from the bottom of the stairs. I slipped on my jacket and fingerless gloves before darting down the stairs as I pushed my phone and wallet into my bag.

I met Andy by the open front door where he took my hand grabbed his guitar case and pulled me out the door.

We walked through the huge park hand in hand stopping under a tree. Andy sat on the grass and pulled out his guitar a minute later I recognized the familiar first cords to Savior. I sat next to him in the grass starting to sing. I changed the end screaming part to just a repeat of the normal lyrics cause I sounded like a dying whale when I tried to scream.

Andy smiled at me when we finished.

"You two should go into the music business" an older lady smiled down at us.

I laughed "Oh he is". She smiled and nodded as she walked away.

"Told you you where good."

"Shut up Biersack."

Andy laughed laying his guitar on the grass next to him he pulled me into him. I sat between his legs leaning back against his chest. He started to play with my hair while singing an acoustic sounding Rebel Love Song

*Andy's POV*

Riley's breathing grew steadily slower as she fell asleep against me. I smiled to myself leaning back against the tree. I glanced up for a second and watched as her father's car crawled by.

Her phone started ringing on the grass next to her, I grabbed it silencing the ringer. Riley shivered slightly and I pulled her closer wrapping my arms around her.

I watched the sun as it climbed higher into the sky. I couldn't stop thinking about how in less then month I'd have to leave for tour and I wouldn't be able to have her by my side. Her dads car drove by for the hundredth time this time pulling into the parking lot.

"Riley" I whispered shaking her.

"Hmm?" she shifted positions slightly.

"Riley we need to go your father just pulled in" at the mention of her father her shockingly gray eyes flew open. She moved quickly grabbing her bag and throwing her phone back in standing up, I grabbed my guitar took her hand and pulled her deeper into the park.

*Riley's POV*

"Andy the cars the other way" I said confused as he took me deeper into the park rather than back to his car.

"I know I don't want to go back to the car"

"Why? What time is it anyway?"

"Because," he turned to look at me. "When's the last time your father let you out of the house just for something fun like this?"

I thought back honestly trying to remember. " I guess it's been a while."

Andy led me through the park until he pushed through a line of brush my eyes widened at the sight of a flower meadow surrounding a lake.

"How long has this been here?" I  laid on the ground next to him.

"I don't know I found it a couple years ago" he pulled me into his sides. I smiled to myself curling into him. The sun set over the mountains in the distance and I felt Andy move. "We should probably head back"

"Okay" I sat up. He got up extending his hand to me I took it letting him pull me off the ground. We walked back to the car hand in hand. Andy threw his guitar in the back and we climbed in. He turned the heater up seeing me curl into my knees shivering slightly.

We walked inside dropping our stuff on the ground by the door. Andy ordered dinner to be delivered, when it came we ate while watching a movie. We left our dishes on the coffee table and curled up falling asleep together on the couch.



Sorry it's not very exciting its just a filler. Things will get more interesting I promise. Please vote comment yada yada yada.

Thanks xD

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