Chapter 20: Tour

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Chapter 20: Tour

*Andy's POV*

"Riley we're almost there" I whispered brushing her hair back.

She stirred, her glowing gray eyes fluttered open, and her lips parted in a small smile. I traced my fingers over her cheek as she lifted her head from my shoulder.

"What time is it here?" Her soft musical voice was an octave lower then normal.

"4 pm"

She sighed "schedule for today?"

"We check into the hotel and then get dinner then it's straight to the venue to get ready and do sound check the concert starts at nine"


"Actually" I started playing with her soft black locks "I was wondering if you'd sing with me at the concert.

"Andy!" she turned to look at me instantly awake "I can't sing you know that"

"Riley you're amazing. Come on for me?.... please?"

"What song?" I smiled to myself I knew I was winning.

"Either Morticians Daughter or Fallen Angels up to you."

"Fine all do Fallen Angels with you" she sighed and I smiled.

We landed in London and grabbed our bags hopping in our tour managers van.

"Good flight guys?" Jonathan asked as he pulled away from the curb.

"Yeah fine." I replied

"Miss Danielson I'll have you know that your boyfriend argued with me for hours to get me to agree to this" he looked at Riley in the rear view.

"Well thank you for letting me come along sir." She was so adorable.

"I didn't have a choice it was the only way I was gonna get Andy out of LA."

I glanced over at Riley who was looking down with a slight blush coloring her ivory skin. I took her hand in mine and our fingers automatically intertwined. She looked up at me, a soft smile playing on her lips.

We pulled into the hotel parking lot grabbed our suitcases and checked in. We were all sharing one of the huge sweets at the top. Well all except Jonathan who'd want to shoot himself if he shared a room with us.

"Drop your stuff off freshen up whatever meet me back here in half an hour" We nodded turning for the elevators "and don't get drunk" he called after us. We all laughed stepping into the elevator.

"Don't get drunk?" Riley questioned with a laugh.

"We have a slight reputation" CC filled her in.

"Come on CC it's not like it's all the time just once" Ash said

"Or twice" I laughed. Riley's light bell like laugh filled the small space and I smiled at her.

We walked into the huge hotel room and Ashley pulled his phone out.

"Hey baby girl" he said after a minute. Riley looked over at him with a devious smirk playing on her lips out of no where she yelled,

"Ashley Purdy put your pants back on!" I doubled over laughing and joined in.

"Hands off my girlfriend Purdy!"

Riley's laugh filled the room. Ash turned around glaring at us.

"Shut up both of you!" he yelled " I do have pants on Andy and Riley are just being asses"

"Ash pass Andy his pants would you?!" Riley called

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