Chapter 25: Welcome to Our Nightmare

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Chapter 25: Welcome to Our Nightmare

*Andy's POV*

"What the hell do you mean my fathers outside" Riley's eyes took on that all to familiar frantic look.

"According to Ash your dads outside by the window." I pulled the sheet over Riley's shrinking form. "You're fine Riley. I'm here and Ash's still up you're fine." I whispered looking down at her I brushed her hair back. She nodded closing her eye tightly against the beginning of our nightmare.

Eventually Riley's breathing became slow and steady and I knew she was asleep.

"How long do you think he's willing to wait?" Ashley yawned sitting on the foot of the bed.

"All night he's done it before."

Ashley sighed laying back. "Andy this is more then a two person job we can't perform and keep watch all night every night"

"I know but Jonathan refuses to help cause I'm 'over reacting again'"

Morning seemed to not be able to come fast enough as Ashley and I worked in shifts to be sure one of us was awake at all times through the night.

"He's gone" Ashley announced flopping on the foot of the bed around 6 am of course he'd leave when the sun rose. I closed my eyes leaning into Riley's sleeping form. Ash shifted positions at the foot of the bed before I fell asleep.

"Everyone up we need to load the bus" Jonathan shouted as an alarm. "Where the hell is Ashley?"

"I don't know-" Alice started but was cut off

"Here" Ash muttered from the end of the bed by the looks of it he was using Riley's leg as a pillow.

"Andy my legs asleep" she mumbled confirming what I thought and I laughed.

"Get off my girlfriend Purdy" I laughed shoving him with my feet a bit harder then I intended and he toppled off the edge of the bed.

"Damn it Andy" he yelled causing Riley to sit up laughing.

*Riley's POV*

"Damn it Andy" Ash yelled picking himself up off the floor. I sat up laughing and looked over at Andy who yawned looking like he had been up for days.

"Andy you look like you haven't slept at all."

"No shit" Ashley muttered and Andy glared at him.

"Yeah sweet heart we were kind of up all night cause your dad wouldn't leave till like six this morning. I'm fine though I just need coffee"

"Andy you can't do that it's not healthy"

"It's fine Riley."

I sighed getting up "Whatever not like I can stop you anyway. I'm going to get breakfast and I'm gonna get you coffee and you too Ash.

Alice appeared in the door way and looked in at Ashley who was laying face down on the foot of the bed again.

"Ash where were you last night?"

"In here" he muttered not moving. I moved past Alice and quickly showered doing my hair and throwing on a black skirt and corset top with leggings and fingerless lace gloves.

"Alice wanna go grab breakfast with me" I called.

"Yeah sure" she appeared out of my room area thingy and grabbed her bag. "We'll be right back I called as I slipped on sunglasses and left the bus.

*Andy's POV*

"Ash you've gotta be careful what you say to her." I got up after the door had closed after Riley.

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