Chapter 18: You Don't Owe Me Anything

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Chapter 18: You Don't Owe Me Anything

Riley's POV

I woke up in Andy's bed with his arms wrapped around me. I shivered slightly moving closer to his body. I guess I had fallen asleep on the sofa the night before and he'd carried me up.

Andy stirred beside me as he woke up. "Morning beautiful" he smiled looking down at me.

I smiled at his morning voice. "Morning what time is it?"

He glanced at the clock then back to me "10". I shot up instantly awake his hand wrapped around my wrist "you're supposed to take it easy remember?"

"Yeah sure I'm just gonna shower" I slipped out of bed and gathered clothes as I walked into the bathroom shutting the door behind me.

I took a fast shower and changed into black leggings and a long sleeve top pulling my hair back I camr back into the bedroom. Andy was still laying in bed starring at the ceiling.

"Do you still have open cuts" he glanced over at me.

"Yeah a few" I tossed my clothes in a laundry basket.

"Mkay let's go get it cleaned up then." He took my hand pulling me out of the bedroom and down the stairs. "Where are they?" He asked in the kitchen as he got out antiseptic and cloths.

"Everywhere" I pulled my long sleeve off sitting on the counter in my bando and leggings. I rolled my leggings up exposing my shins.

Andy came over to me running his fingers lightly over my skin. I looked into his eyes and saw a mixture of sorrow and anger.

"I should have been there sooner" his voice was barely audible.

"Andy" I laid my hands on his shoulders "I'm glad you got there when you did"

He took my arm gently in hid hand extending it before him. There was a sharp intake of breath as he saw the words etched into my skin emo slut bitch whore waste of space. He closed his eyes tightly I could feel his body trembling slightly

"When was this?" he asked when he'd calmed himself down.

"I don't know a day or two before you found me I think." I muttered to the floor as he traced his fingers over my arm. When I looked back to him tears ran down his cheeks.

"Andy..." I laid my palm against his cheek "it's not as bad as it looks I'm..." I was about to say I was fine when I started to tear up myself.

Andy pulled me off the counter top into his arms.

"Don't tell me you're fine" he whispered into my hair "I know better. I know you're strong but no one would be fine after that. And I let it happen to you, you've got no idea how sorry I am. I'm sorry Riley I'm so so sorry"

He was blaming himself for everything and it was breaking my heart. He had no idea how much he did for me.

"Andy it wasn't your fault there was nothing you could have done."

"I should have never left you alone."He was determined to blame himself and stuck in the idea that it was all his fault.

"You found me didn't you?" I looked up at him pushing his hair back. "You found me and you saved me when I was breaking. You're my savior and that's more then enough for me."

"I'm never leaving you again. Now let me clean you up okay?" I nodded sliding back onto the counter.

Andy took my arm again and wiped over it with antiseptic.

"Do you know what happened to all the band bracelets I was wearing?"

"I don't know Riley I'm sorry." He started on my other arm. "We tried to find your things honestly but the only thing we got was your backpack and I don't think they were in there."

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