Possible Sequel Sneak Peak

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Hey guys so I'm thinking about sequeling this because I have a lot of ideas that couldn't fit into this story so here's a little tidbit of a chapter I wrote that's not in this story but could be in another.

Chapter 1

My phone on the nightstand next to me started making bell tones I grabbed it glancing at the screen.

Incoming FaceTime from My Love <3

I opened it smiling at Andy "Hey rockstar."

He laughed "Hey sweet heart how are you guys."

"We're doing great. I miss you."

"I miss you more every day."

"Mommy." Seryna toddled in holding her empty sippy cup. It was almost 1:30 in the morning I'd only stayed up to FaceTime with Andy. She was 2 now and went through almost 5 cups of milk a night.

Andy smiled at the sound of her voice."

"Come say hi to Daddy." I pulled her up onto my lap on the bed.

"Hi Daddy!" She smiled waving excitedly. There was no way Andy could deny being her father cause she defiantly had his smile.

"Hey lil one why aren't you in bed?"

"Mommy gonta get me milky." She smiled cocking her head to the side her wispy blonde curls fell into her face.

I smiled at my little girl then looked back to Andy. "Wanna come get milky with us?"

He laughed "If that means I get to talk to my two gorgeous girls longer then yes."

I picked Seryna up heading downstairs.

"Daddy wens you coming home?" She reached for my phone.

"Soon I promise Daddy will be home soon."

A text rolled by at the top of the screen

From: Ash- you guys gonna be able to make it out tomorrow?

I gave Seryna her milk tucking her back in.

"Goonigh Mommy goonigh Daddy." She grabbed my phone kissing the screen I chuckled quietly wiping the mixture of milk and saliva from my phone once I was out of sight.

"She gets prettier everyday just like her mother." Andy smiled.

"Please she looks more like you."

"Really? All I see is the smile the rest is all you."

I smiled slightly. "What are we gonna do when we're both touring? She barely handles not having you well?"

"We'll do joint tour and you'll both just stay with me on my bus. Now no more serious talk. I just wanted to remind you that you're the most beautiful girl in the whole world and that I love you..."

"More then I can ever scream" we finished together.

"I'll see you soon." I smiled

"Okay baby I promise you I will see you again."

"I promise you I will see you again."

We hung up and I typed Ash a quick message back

To: Ash
We'll be at the airport 1/2 and hour before the show.

I docked my iPhone putting on Sleeping with Sirens to help me get to sleep.

My alarm woke me up at 4am. I had to get myself and Syrena ready and to the airport by 6 so we could get to Ohio. Ohio in February... fun! Not. But Amy wanted to meet her granddaughter and I missed Andy like you'd never believe.

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