Chapter 24: We Stand Together

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Chapter 24: We Stand Together

*Andy's POV*

"Come on get up big day today" Jonathan's voice boomed through the bus and I groaned rolling over I felt Riley curl closer to me and I wrapped my arm around her.

"Andy you to up! Riley get your boyfriend out of bed!" Riley muttered something I couldn't make out and I laughed leaning up and looking down at her.

"I want you all ready in an hour" Jonathan called before the bus door closed behind him.

"Who's not a morning person again?" I teased finger combing Riley's tangled hair.

"Shut up Andy" she murmured I smiled to myself and reached over her opening the curtains. She sat up pushing her hair back and glaring at me.

"Morning sunshine" I smiled making her laugh I pulled her into me. "You can't stay mad at me" I sang.

"No no I can't" she touched her lips swiftly to mine and hopped up pulling her hair back.

*Riley's POV*

I pulled my hair back walking into the kitchen area and starting coffee.

"Who's going for breakfast?" I called back

"Ash and I will" Alice said crossing to change.

"Ash'll do what now?" Ashley's muffled voice came from the bunks and I laughed to myself.

"You're gonna go bring breakfast back." A stream of muffled curses came from the bunks before a disheveled Ashley stumbled out. Alice and I traded places and I changed into my black pleated skirt and a pierce the veil shirt and my black convers.

When I came out after putting on my makeup and jewelry and everything Alice an Ash where already gone, Andy was fully dressed and the only one still in bed was CC.

Eventually CC got up.... Well after Jonathan came back and blew his lid about us not being ready yet.

"My foods cold" CC complained

"Oh gee maybe because you wouldn't get your ass out of bed" I muttered making Andy laugh.

Apparently according to Jonathan's schedule we had to be ready to go by 9 even though performance wasn't till one and that was all we were doing today besides an interview which was AFTER THE PERFORMANCE.

"Riles and I are gonna go walk around a bit" Andy called taking my hand and pulling me out the door.

"Andy I need you back here by-" Jonathan's voice was cut off by the door closing behind us.

*Authors POV*

Andy's tall slim figure emerged from the tour bus dressed all in black as usual pulling a giggling Riley behind him by the hand. He turned quickly laying his lips against hers before pulling her away from the bus. Bright morning sunlight streamed down from above highlighting Andy's piercingly blue eyes and making the black of Riley's hair shine like ravens feathers as they ran over the open space.

Following silently behind them came two men. They ran swiftly on silent feet after the couple ducking into the shadows whenever either of them turned back.

"Today" the blond guy near Riley's age asked.

"Not today.... Soon Nick I promise soon."

"Yes sir" A devious smile played on Nick's features.

Riley's echoing laugh floated across the morning air as Andy pulled her to the ground and lay back pulling her with him where she gladly laid in his arms looking up to him with a smile as he traced his fingers through her hair.

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